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Signed MOU to sell 20,000 tons of durian and mangosteen in advance, worth over 3,000 million.

Chanthaburi, The Minister of Natural Resources and Environment is confident that this year the price of durian and mangosteen fruits will not fall. Witnesses the signing of the MOU between the Import-Export Association. Thai-Chinese agricultural products with the Association of Fruit Importers from China By selling 20,000 tons of durian and mangosteen in advance, worth more than 3,000 million baht, giving Thai farmers a good price for selling all year long. Ready to leave the quality of Thai durian even better. Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce Said after witnessing the signing of the MOU between the Import-Export Association. Thai-Chinese agricultural products with the Association of Fruit Importers from China In order to find a fruit market in advance, attract good prices and build confidence in Thai quality fruits to be exported to the world market. At the Thai-Chinese Agricultural Products Import-Export Association, Chanthaburi Province, we got to taste frozen Mont hong durian that was sold in China. It tastes good. and visit the production process Frozen durian processing and visit the Chan durian market which is also a fruit market in Chanthaburi 'Creating an MOU to sell durian and mangosteen. Between KAF Import and Export Company Limited and the Thai-Chinese Agricultural Products Import-Export Association, quantity of 20,000 tons, worth more than 3,000 million baht (April-June 2024) and the Import-Export Association. Thai-Chinese agricultural products with C.C.I.C. (Thailand) Company Limited to provide quality standard certification. It is a way to trace back the quality of durian. In Chanthaburi province, there are a lot of fruit stands, almost 80% of the country is here. There is an association as a center helping to trade fruit. Help maintain the price level to benefit farmers. He thinks that Thai durian has the highest quality and potential. Ready to export And we have improved quality. It is frozen to deliver to foreign consumers efficiently,' Mr. Phumtham said . However, the Ministry of Commerce is ready to help and solve problems to facilitate trade. We negotiate with various checkpoints. continuously Previously, he had met the Chinese ambassador. Please provide more convenience to Thai fruits. After this, he would go to see the Mohan Dan. and Dan You Yiguan which is an important checkpoint for exporting fruit To help negotiate with importers to allow our durian to be exported, in the past year 2023, Thailand exported fresh, frozen, and dried fruits valued at 238,000 million baht, of which approximately 141,000 million baht was exported to durian and 17,000 to mangosteen. million baht. These two types of fruits are important fruits of Chanthaburi Province, with the main market being in China. The Ministry of Commerce gives full importance and support to the people of Chanthaburi Province because it is the main point for exporting fruit to foreign countries. In addition, the Ministry of Commerce has important policies to promote fruit products. Organize business matching events between importers and exporters. The Chinese market is the main market for Thai fruits. We have nine overseas trade promotion offices in China, including seven in mainland China: Shanghai, Guangzhou, Qingdao, Xiamen, Nanning, Chengdu and Kunming, outside China. 2 mainland countries, Hong Kong and Taiwan, which will provide support, help and resolve trade barriers between Thailand and China. Including organizing activities to promote the consumption of Thai products in China. 'We see the private sector as the vanguard. Will support you to do your best import-export duties. The Prime Minister gave the policy that we will be the defenders. It is a state that supports trade facilitation. If there are regulations or obstacles preventing The state will have a duty to help solve the problem. Anything that can be done, we will do immediately. He has assigned all provincial commerce departments to help coordinate and solve problems and do their best. I would like to ask the farmers to maintain the qua lity of their produce. Young durian is not for sale. Make quality fruit Ask importers and exporters Let's work together and not compete with each other to cause prices to fall,' Mr. Phumtham said. For the fruit production situation in Chanthaburi Province in 2024, it is expected that durian will have a yield of 561,905 tons, an increase of 4.35%, mangosteen 93,736 tons, an increase of 12.36%, rambutan 55,442 tons, a decrease of 0.59%, longkong 5,308 tons, an increase of 3.41%, total production of 716,421 tons, an increase of 4.92. % which Chanthaburi Province has 827 fruit trees that have passed GMP standards, which the Ministry of Commerce has issued fruit management measures for 2024 to produce quality fruit and find markets both domestically and abroad. To efficiently release the production with cooperation from all sectors. Source: Thai News Agency