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Southerners flock to pay homage to the Buddha’s relics. Tight Wat Mahathat Wachiramongkol

Krabi 15 Mar. - Krabi people and southern people Procession to pay homage to the Lord Buddha's relics Overflowing at Wat Mahathat Wachiramongkol In the morning, a grand and spectacular procession was organized by the Department of Religious Affairs, Ministry of Culture. Inviting Buddhists to join in paying respects For good fortune 15-18 March before being brought back to India on 19 March. after yesterday The relics of the Lord Buddha and the relics of the Arahant of Phra Sariputta and Phra Moggallana Brought to Krabi International Airport Religious people are crowded at the airport to welcome them. with Phra Thep Vajirakorn Deputy Abbot of Region 17, Abbot of Wat Mahathat Wachiramongkol He is the president of the Sangha. Mr. Sermsak Phongpanich, Minister of Culture He is the president of the lay department. and executives of the Ministry of Culture, the Department of Religious Affairs, the Governor of Krabi, and all sectors before being brought to be enshrined at Wat Mahathat Wachiramongkol This morning there was a beautiful procession. Magnificent and spectacular from the power of faith of Buddhists. The entrance to the temple consists of a procession of 10 elephants wearing traditional costumes. On the elephant there were people sitting holding the 72nd anniversary emblem, royal portrait, Thai flag, Indian flag. Thai flag procession Indian flag, Dhammachakra flag, Chapphanrangsi flag Procession in Indian national costume and Thai national costume (southern region), lotus lantern procession Executive procession head of government agency and officials Procession of royal boats enshrining the relics of the Lord Buddha and the relics of Arahants in the mandap. Nora procession in honor of His Majesty the King Procession of folk dancers wearing local cloth and the Royal Volunteer Procession By moving to Wat Mahathat Wachiramongkol and brought to be enshrined on the mandap After that, it will be open for religious people to worship until March 18, 2024 from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and every evening from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. there will be a ceremony to chant Buddhist mantras to increase prosperity for the religious people who come to pay their respects. Lord Buddha's relics and the Arahant relics of Sariputta and Moggallana It is expected that no less than 150,000 people will come to pay homage and on March 19, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. the relics of the Lord Buddha and the relics of the Arahant will be brought. Boarding the Indian Air Force plane Depart from Krabi Airport to Delhi, Republic of India. - Thai News Agency Source: Thai News Agency