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Sri Sawat Forest Elephant Stomped on a Buddhist monk to death

Kanchanaburi, Phra Thudong Pakkhot in the national reserved forest area. One figure was found dead, having been trampled by a wild elephant until his body was mangled. Officials rush to check The incident occurred yesterday (23 Jan.) Mr. Charoensuk Lamyai Rungruang The village headman of Ban Saeng Ba, Village No. 1, Khao Chot Subdistrict, Si Sawat District, Kanchanaburi Province, received notification from the villagers. The body of a Buddhist monk was found attacked and killed by a wild elephant. In the national forest It is a Thai paper factory forest in the area, known as Phra Maha Bancha, approximately 50 years old, died far from the boundary line. Chaloem Rattanakosin National Park, approximately 3 km. In the surrounding area, traces of wild elephants were found. The condition of the corpse looked as if it had been stomped on by an elephant. His face and head were broken, his body, arms and legs were deformed and he died at the scene. Therefore, the monk's body was sent to the Forensic Institute for th orough examination to determine the cause of death. Head of Chaloem Rattanakosin National Park Reported an incident that occurred by last week There were 3 monks who went to plant acid in the area where the incident happened. Two other monks who were with the deceased gave statements that last night. A sound like a large wild animal was heard. Enter the area where the acid is being planted. In the morning, traces of wild elephants and blood were found. As for another monk, he disappeared, so he rushed down to inform the villagers until he found the body. The administrative officials and investigative officers will continue to proceed with the relevant matters. Source: Thai News Agency