Thailand Recorder

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Stamford University creates a consumer protection network and visits MCOT.

Bangkok, Stamford International University joins with NBTC to create a network to monitor and protect consumers of radio-television media in the Bangkok area and visit village health volunteers. To develop the skills of training participants to be media literate. Faculty from Stamford International University's Communication Arts program together with the Office of the Broadcasting Commission Television business and the National Telecommunications Commission organized the activity 'Creating awareness of media literacy among representatives of radio-television media consumer networks' to provide knowledge to public health volunteer groups. Public Health Service Center 45 Romklao After that, he visited Channel 9 television station MCOT HD with Mr. Kittipong Khantirat, Acting Executive Vice President. Special Affairs Division welcome Along with listening to a lecture on the topic of Fake News Information to develop the skills of the training participants to be media literate. Including a strong network Able t o make use of media creatively and concretely. Source: Thai News Agency