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Student Loan Fund has paid back 3,494 people since today.

Bangkok, Student Loan Fund calculates group debt urgently. 50,614 cases were forced into legal action - money was seized. Accounts were closed immediately, 3,494 cases were paid back from today. Mr. Chainarong Kajchapanan, student loan fund manager, has revealed that At this time, the fund Has taken steps to improve the debt balance. (Recalculate) of borrowers in need of urgent assistance who have outstanding debts and are undergoing legal enforcement or having their money seized, a total of 50,614 persons have already been completed. As a result, some borrowers can immediately close their accounts and there are 3,494 borrowers who will receive refunds for overpayments, amounting to 97 million baht. The Student Loan Fund has issued a letter informing each borrower to register to receive the refund and has begun the process of paying the refund through the PromptPay money transfer system that links the bank account with the borrower's ID card number. only Which is safe and can definitely be verified. The de bt calculation is in accordance with the Student Loan Fund Act (No. 2) B.E. 2023 by taking the debt repayment list of each borrower who has paid. Return the fund from the date the first debt payment is due to calculate the new debt. Amortize only the principal amount due, interest and penalties accordingly. Interest is calculated at the rate of 1% per year and penalty is charged at the rate of 0.5% per year. After the Fund has adjusted the debt balance for the borrower, if it is found that there is no outstanding debt, it will be considered that the borrower has completely paid the debt and closed the account. And if it is found that any borrower has money that is overpaid from the adjusted debt balance. The Fund will return excess funds resulting from debt repayment to borrowers. But if any of them still have outstanding debts The borrower must continue to repay the remaining debt. The Fund will gradually improve the debt balance for every group of borrowers. The Fund confirms that everyone will receive equ al legal rights.- Source: Thai News Agency