Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Supporting the policy of “1 user expands the results, 1 seller follows and confiscates 1 producer”

Bangkok: "Thanakorn" supports the "government-Somsak" in creating the policy "1 user expands the results, 1 seller follows and confiscates 1 producer", confirming that 1 methamphetamine pill is wrong, asks all agencies to join hands. Join together to solve the problem, believe in suppressing drugs and reduce them with clear results. Mr. Thanakorn Wangboonkongchana, former Minister attached to the Prime Minister's Office List MP and deputy leader of the Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party (RTC) said he agreed with the government led by Mr. Somsak Thepsuthin, Minister of Public Health. Chaired the meeting to review ministerial regulations specifying the quantity of narcotics and psychotropic substances, etc. with a resolution to amend the ministerial regulations Anyone who uses or possesses one methamphetamine pill is guilty of an offence. As well as issuing the policy concept of "1 eater, expanding to 1 seller, and expanding to 1 producer" to lead to the seizure of producers' assets. Due to a large number of complaint s from citizens and have an impact on society Drug traffickers were found to be using gaps in the law to package and sell. To avoid being prosecuted for the offense of possession for trade. Therefore, it is necessary to amend the ministerial regulations. In no more than 3 months from now In this regard, I would like to ask Mr. Somsak to urge all relevant agencies, the administrative department, police, military, and every ministry, including the community, to cooperate and monitor the people. Let the civil society sector work together to be the eyes and ears to jointly prevent and suppress. Solve the drug problem to reduce and disappear. Those who report information will lead to arrests. Officials have a 5% reward for arresting them. 'I strongly agree that the Minister of Public Health Policy guidelines have been adjusted. Anyone who uses or possesses more than 1 methamphetamine pill is considered guilty and should be extended to sellers and manufacturers in order to track down and arrest them. Further seiz ure of assets of major networks It is believed that if there is strict and serious cooperation with all relevant ministries and agencies, they will be able to prevent and suppress narcotics to reduce the number. To reduce social problems and crime and return children and grandchildren back to their families,' Mr. Thanakorn said. Source: Thai News Agency