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Sure before sharing : wormwood soaked in soda Can relieve nerve endings really?

August 6, 2023 – According to the soda-soaked wormwood recipe shared drink after meals every day Helps relieve numbness of the hands and feet. The lines are tight and the lines can be fixed and pain relief.

Conclusion: not true, should not be shared ?

Center for sure before sharing, check with Maj. Gen. Assoc. Director of the Thai Stroke Association said, “There is no scientific evidence to confirm that this formula works. Wormwood and baking soda do not have anesthetic properties.

Consuming soda water or carbon dioxide mixed water will only help with freshness

eating wormwood It should not be eaten continuously for a long time because it will affect the internal organs such as the liver and kidneys.

The symptoms of tight lines, tight lines and numbness come from work behaviors such as using computers, mobile phones, iPads. Office syndrome: if the symptoms are mild, there will be pain in the neck, shoulders, and shoulders, but if there is a lot of symptoms, it will be on the hands.

The doctor continued that “If we know that the cause of pain comes from work. behavior should be adjusted But there are some tasks that we cannot avoid. If there is pain or stiffness, stretch the muscles. or warm compresses Come to compress the shoulders, shoulders, nape of the neck, it can help as well.

Fact check by : Peerapol Anutarasoth

Compiled by : Chayanit Phongsai

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Source: Thai News Agency