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“Suriya” inspects Suvarnabhumi Prepare to receive tourists

Bangkok, Transport Minister satisfied with Suvarnabhumi Airport. Prepare for the Chinese New Year festival Giving policies to push to be in the top 20 in the world in 4 years. Portfolio reveals that Chinese tourists have surged due to the visa-free policy. Mr. Suriya Juangroongruangkit Minister of Transport Said after inspecting preparations for passenger service during the Chinese New Year festival. and solving the problem of overcrowding in queues for passport control. At Suvarnabhumi Airport (RTA), various services are provided. Much better than before and found a free visa policy for tourists from Kazakhstan and India by the government, causing more passengers to travel to Suvarnabhumi Airport. Currently, there are 1,040 flights per day, carrying 190,000 passengers per day, which has increased to the same level as 2019, before the COVID-19 outbreak. As for the previous case where there was a problem with the immigration system, causing a large number of passengers to queue up. I must compliment the Imm igration Bureau. who have tried to solve the problem By arranging officials to keep watch. The Immigration Commander 2 expects that there will not be any more system failures. Or it happens very rarely. In addition, on March 1, which is the free visa period for Chinese tourists. The Immigration Bureau will add more than 200 additional officers, increasing to 600 in May. Including increasing the counters for checking passengers at the Immigration Bureau from two counters to three counters. It is expected to increase passenger inspections by 50 percent. In addition, to solve the problem of passenger congestion due to contact gates or airplane bridges. Currently, those 7 compartments are unusable, and many airlines are concerned about baggage delivery services if they switch to other buildings instead. On Monday, all airline operators in Suvarnabhumi will Along with Thai Airways and the private sector responsible for overseeing the delivery of bags within the airport, they discussed ways to solve the problem to gether. In addition, a policy has been given to AOT has developed Suvarnabhumi Airport to become one of the top 20 quality airports in the world. Within this period of 3-4 years Mr. Keerati Kitmanawat, President and CEO of Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited, said that during the time there are the highest number of departing passengers, approximately 6,000 people per hour, therefore, in order to reduce passenger congestion, AOT has Coordinate with entrepreneurs Proceed with passenger check-in 4 hours earlier than the original 3 hours to reduce waiting for passengers in the building. And there is a policy to encourage various airlines to use the automatic check-in system more. They will be responsible for all costs associated with using the auto check-in system. To provide convenience to airlines and use it to reduce manpower in the check-in process Currently, approximately 27 percent of passengers use the auto check-in service. In addition, he has also coordinated with the Immigration Bureau to inc rease the number of automatic channels by an additional 80 channels that will be ordered in July. and ready to install immediately The Immigration Bureau has discussed together and revised various regulations. In order to use it effectively It is expected that once opened, it will be able to reduce the waiting problem of many passengers. As for the public transport connection system around the airport, We have a taxi. There are approximately 3,500 vehicles in service at the airport, and additional taxi services such as EV taxis will be launched. Including opening a shaded parking lot to make taxis' quality of life better. It is expected that during the 10 days of Chinese New Year there will be an increase in passenger traffic from 2023, increasing by approximately 37,000 people or 35 percent, of which about 20,000 are Chinese, demonstrating the beneficial effects of the visa-free policy. of the government that has caused many tourists to return their interest and travel in Thailand. Source: Thai News Agen cy