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Surviving the lockdown by getting creative

The great Covid lockdown has been reinstated, and the end may not be coming any time soon. Aside from online shopping and watching a movie marathon on one of the streaming services, here are some suggestions for making the most of forced downtime.

Grow herbs

While we’re stuck at home during the pandemic, growing herbs in our backyards will keep us sane. Gardening connects us with nature, and watching plants grow provides a unique feeling of satisfaction. Chilli, holy basil, sweet basil, spring onion, and Chinese morning glory are a must if you enjoy Thai and Asian cooking. Rosemary, thyme, oregano pots, and seeds are available from online stores and grow well indoors too. A hit of fresh basil or rosemary in your pasta, roasted meat, or bread will add a punch to the flavor and aroma of any dish. Growing is good for the soul. Spending an hour per day with your hands in the soil surrounded by vegetation and flowers is a great mood booster and leaves you feeling refreshed. Other than that, gardening can be a fun activity for the kids who are also stuck at home. Let the youngsters sow microgreens such as cress, radish, or kale on damp paper towels, and see their joy as they watch their plants grow and become good to eat within a matter of days.


The sports clubs and fitness centers are closed, as are the public parks. Exercising during lockdown may not seem like the easiest thing to do, but it is possible. Keeping ourselves active and healthy during lockdown is vital since remaining indoors for long periods of time can make us feel stressed and emotionally exhausted. Walk. Even in small spaces, walking around or walking on the spot, helps us remain active. If you have a phone conversation, instead of sitting down, stand or move around your house while you talk. Doing cardio exercises raises your heart rate and makes your muscles stronger, while aerobic activities like walking, running, or jumping rope give your heart and lungs the workout they need. Yoga can also improve your strength and balance as well as manage your stress. There are many free online exercise classes to choose from, so you’re sure to find one that suits you.


With some foods becoming scarce and running to the supermarket discouraged though not banned, we have to make do with what we have. People spend as much time in the kitchen as in the garden. Many have found cooking to be a joy and a balm – a creative and practical distraction from stress. Others want to experiment with new flavors that distract them from being unable to go to their favorite restaurants. You can also try your hand at family recipes and create connections while you’re trapped at the kitchen. A lockdown might make you miss eating out, but that doesn’t mean you can’t spice up your culinary life during this time. Be bold and learn new recipes online or try your hand at baking and learn to make your own bread and other delicious pastries.

Upcycling furniture

Home is where your heart is and this has never been truer than now, when we are forced to spend more time at home than ever before. Looking for a home improvement project to keep you going during a lockdown? Upcycling is a great way to give your home a low-cost makeover. There are so many things you can upcycle – from furniture to wooden crates – and anyone can do it. Browse the Pinterest website and be inspired. Old, well-used furniture can be upcycled and given a new lease on life for very little money, and the good news is that no prior experience is required. Upcycling is a fun and creative way to transform a tired old piece of furniture into something beautiful and one-of-a-kind.


Writing is thinking. Journaling is a great tool for helping you organize your thoughts and vent your emotions, especially now when human interaction is limited. Creativity comes in many different forms, but free writing without any pressure, agenda or deadline is the best way to start. Just grab some paper and a pen or sit yourself at your keyboard and write about anything and everything for a set amount of time. Write for yourself and banish the critical eye that might be holding you back. Journaling is another way to get the words flowing when they’re stuck. Once you have started the first paragraph, you can’t stop. Writing down random ideas and thoughts is a great way to pass the time, and you can keep these for yourself or pass them around your circle of friends online.

Take online classes

Kids are studying from home. You can too by enrolling in one or more of the many classes and courses available online. There’s a wide variety of classes that you can take, from educational courses to lessons on the arts. With today’s technological advancements, the classroom can be everywhere. Today, you can learn from Gordon Ramsay, a culinary legend, about preparing restaurant recipes at home. Or, get creative with Samuel L. Jackson, Spike Lee, Natalie Portman, David Lynch, Marc Jacobs and more. Learning new things will help you progress in life.

Source: Thai Public Broadcasting Service (Thai PBS)