Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

“Suthin” reveals he is preparing to clear the submarine issue with China soon.

Phetchaburi,, "Suthin", Minister of Defense, reveals he is preparing to clear up the submarine issue with China soon. He is willing to listen to "Wiroj"'s proposal to cancel the current contract, emphasizing that the coalition party is strong. Mr. Suthin Khlangsaeng, Minister of Defence, mentioned the negotiations on the issue of purchasing submarines with the Chinese government that there will be another meeting to talk soon, with the initial date for the negotiations set to be the 14th. -15 May While Mr. Wirot Lakkhanaadisorn, Party list MP, Kaew Klai Party and Chairman of the Military Commission House of Representatives Propose to cancel the current submarine purchase contract. and have the Navy submit a new budget request in 2026. Mr. Suthin said that in this matter, the working group has thoroughly discussed the matter that Mr. Wirot proposed. By sending the matter to the working group for consideration. He wasn't alone in thinking. If anyone has any suggestions, we listen to them all. Ready to confir m that there will definitely be more talks with the Chinese government. Not finishing is another matter. When asked how the situation of the coalition government party is, Mr. Suthin said that it is still strong, strong, no problems, very comfortable. Source: Thai News Agency