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Syria says Israel attacked two airports for the second time.

Damascus, Syrian state media reported that Israel launched an offensive today. It made Syria's two main airports unavailable for the second time since the Israeli-Hamas war.

SANA news agency reported citing a source in the military that At approximately 5:25 a.m. today, Syrian time, corresponds to 9:25 a.m. today, Thai time. Israel has launched airstrikes on Damascus International Airport and Aleppo International Airport. One person working at Damascus Airport died and one person was injured. The runways of both airports were damaged to the point of being unable to provide service. The Ministry of Transport informed all flights to redirect to Latakia Airport. The news source also revealed that The simultaneous attacks were directed from the Mediterranean Sea on the western side of Latakia. and is directed from the Israeli-occupied Syrian Golan Heights. Israel had previously attacked both airports simultaneously on October 12, rendering them unable to operate.

Israel has continued to carry out airstrikes against Syria in the country's north. Since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in March 2011 until the present. The main targets are Iranian-backed forces. Lebanon's Hezbollah fighters and Syrian military installations Israel rarely talks about its offensive operations in Syria. But always emphasize that It will not allow Iran, which supports the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, to spread its influence in the country. - Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency