Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Tell the committee that it is a government-opposition that can benefit the country

Parliament, July 24-"Anusit" states that it is the duty of the parliamentary chairman and the party to form a government to postpone the prime minister's vote date. Point out whether the government or the opposition can benefit the country. Worried about the mob Remind them to think about the country until today because of the older generation.

Mr. Anusit Kunakorn, senator (Senator) mentioned establishing a government under the leadership of the Pheu Thai Party. that it is a matter for MPs to discuss and reach a resolution Previously, it had been agreed that the number 1 party would come from forming a government according to political etiquette. which there is no special legal agreement And when the establishment is unsuccessful, it is the duty of the Pheu Thai Party according to political etiquette. It is now the duty of the Pheu Thai Party to decide what form of government to form. To include or not include a long step Pheu Thai Party will consider carefully. for the benefit of the people and the nation in order to establish a good government Which at this point is seen as a fairly good solution.

“Now it's about MPs. But senators have constitutional duties. Don't think that the senator is a political party or the senator is from a dictatorship. The senators have a duty to make decisions because the duties of the senators are constitutionally enforced under the conditions of the preservation of the nation and sovereignty. Preserve the main institutions of the nation according to the principles of the 2017 constitution that gave us consensus. I want all citizens to be fellow countrymen. Whether it's the orange snoopy group or the red shirt people. Yellow shirts and people wearing shirts of all colors Because he is all Thai people. The country will continue to progress. It's a matter of peace. There must be unity and integrity in Thai society,” said Mr. Anusit.

Mr. Anusit said that as a former secretary-general of the National Security Council (NSC), he saw that the interests of the country were important. But according to the way of expression According to the democratic way, it is normal. But if the expressions that cause unrest commit an offense Because only youth groups We must train under what conditions the democratic process in which youths are active is subject to. obey the law Being a good citizen uses freedom without causing trouble to society. does not affect the liberties of others Pretending democracy through elections alone would not be fair to the nation. He agreed that youth wanted to change. believes that the party that will run the country must use the people's voice If you step too far, you can walk. and do not believe that the parties forming a government will not use the policies of the Progressive Party to operate. because something can be done is for the benefit of all the people

If Pheu Thai is still unable to negotiate, will the Prime Minister's vote be postponed after July 27 or not? Anusit said that it is the duty of the Speaker of the National Assembly and the party forming the government to talk together because the senator has no duty to nominate and certify a person to vote for the Prime Minister. Because it is the role of an MP

When asked about the attitude of many political parties who are more comfortable if there is no progressive party to join the government Will it result in dissatisfaction among groups that support the Kao Klai Party? Mr. Anusit said he understood the changes that were needed to comply with the Kao Klai policy that he had campaigned for. Do not believe that without the Progressive Party, change will not happen. because many things reflect the problems of the nation from the perspective of many groups by the party moving forward, dare to look and dare to present Which is useful whether it is the opposition or the government. People must understand that democracy has two sides: government to run the country. If it's the opposition, they come to check. Make proposals and demands as the voice of the people anyway.

As for whether or not he was worried if the Kao Klai Party was pushed into the opposition and the people would go down the street, Mr Anusit said he was worried as someone who looked after the country like the government sector. Because the movement of the masses is our children and compatriots. Now, just don't let the country suffer a crisis. social unrest because the person in charge is an adult This is not the only victory to enter the government. Because some eras have strong opposition In the past, the Kao Klai Party was a strong opposition party and its MPs were of high quality. be a new generation people benefit

“Even with a little experience in time But let's not forget and neglect because of the building of our nation. It has existed since the elders, the elders, the old people who said that the skull But in fact, these people created a nation for us to survive and be safe. developed until today Let everyone think back The movement has to take individual responsibility. But I'm worried about people leading illegal actions. It is dangerous,” Mr. Anusit said.

As for the senators, will they talk before voting for the Prime Minister or not? Because the situation has changed, Mr. Anusit said that in the past, senators had agreed on many issues, such as on Section 112 on self-government in the three southern border provinces. international criminal law which some people still do not understand, so the results must be explained The consequences for the public especially the interests of the nation, how will it be affected? We must hurry up on the mouth of the people's brothers and sisters because it is important. Which depends on the principles of those who will form the government how to proceed.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency