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Thai Credit Bank explains that customers complained that they were cheated into selling life insurance.

Bangkok, from the case Micro SME business loan customers of Thai Credit Bank Public Company Limited has filed a complaint with the media in the case of requesting a loan and suspecting that he may have been cheated on processing fees and in connection with obtaining life insurance without consent. Thai Credit Bank Public Company Limited is not complacent. and hastened to investigate the incident. It was found that the bank had followed normal procedures. and is correct according to the criteria under the supervision of the Bank of Thailand We would like to clarify the following issues. 1. The customer requests a credit line for business revolving. By receiving a guarantee from Small Industry Credit Guarantee Corporation (TCG), bank employees Details have been informed to the customer. The customer has signed the loan contract and complete loan acceptance documents. In addition, the bank sends invoices indicating the debt balance and the installment payment amount for each installment to the customer every month. 2. Issues regarding life insurance The customer has applied for two life insurance policies covering credit limits (in the names of the customer and the customer's foreign husband) which are intended to protect the insured. In the event of an unexpected incident (Customer dies) The life insurance company will pay all debts to the bank. and refund the remaining amount to the beneficiary as specified by the applicant in the insurance request. with life insurance premiums for loan protection based on the insured sum that is equal to the credit limit that the customer requests to borrow. In addition, the customer has also applied for 2 health insurance policies (in the name of the customer and the customer's foreign husband) with the objective of compensating the insured's income. In the case of staying at the hospital for treatment However, applying for life insurance and health insurance for every policy. The customer has the signatures of the customer and the customer's foreign husband clearly. In th e case of the customer's husband who is a foreigner Bank employees Explained the insurance process with the customer translating for her husband. which the bank's employees We also had a conversation with the customer via the LINE application, and the customer submitted his tax identification number to apply for life insurance for the customer's husband. 3. In the case of TCG fees Customers receive loan guarantees from TCG under the BI7 loan guarantee program, which has different fees for the first year and renewal year. The customer has made payment according to the project conditions, which the bank has sent to TCG in full. The bank has explained the details. and the customer has signed to acknowledge the conditions and criteria in the loan application document and the guarantee application form completely and correctly. 4. Issue of notification of insurance cancellation and notification of rights to customers. in the sales process In addition to sales staff who present and sell to customers, the bank a lso has a Welcome Call process in which another team of employees will call customers. To clarify various details to additional customers including explaining and understanding insurance products and various expenses Including notification of rights regarding cancellation of insurance. that this can be done if the customer has no desire to purchase insurance products which if the customer has a misunderstanding or wondering about the details or want to cancel various insurances, the bank will coordinate to confirm. and can cancel for customers 5. The issue of whether employees who take care of customers actually exist or not. And have all the sales details been explained to customers or not? There are 2 employees who take care of this customer: 1. Micro SME business customer area manager. (Assistant Director level position) and 2. Micro SME Customer Relationship Manager (RM). Currently, both employees are still employees of Thai Credit Bank. and from investigating employees and asking employees to explain c ontact details Credit and insurance sales The employee confirmed that he had gone to meet the customer at the business location. along with various details explained Let customers be informed correctly and completely and the customer has agreed to use the service Both loans and insurance with various attached documents that the customer has signed Both loan applications Insurance application loan contract documents and complete documents informing details of various expenses along with evidence of contact and conversation with customers via LINE. The customers talked with the employees and were well informed of the procedures and conditions. At this time, the bank In the process of summarizing the event and will go see customers again To summarize employees' understanding of documents and work procedures. Including explaining various facts that have occurred and if there is any information that the customer has that is not consistent with what the employees have informed, the bank is ready to listen and take corrective action according to the bank's procedures and processes. as soon as possible next The Bank would like to confirm that the Bank places importance on fair sales (Market Conduct), including quality control and work standards of employees in taking care of customers and selling products to customers. There is also a process for checking the work of employees to ensure they are in accordance with the code of conduct, not forcing them to sell, and informing them of various rights. of the customer completely Including clear penalties. If employees do not follow the code of conduct set by the bank In addition, the bank There is also a complaint channel for customers to report corruption or various complaints. You can do so through the Bank's website or social media, Bank branches, and the Customer Relations Center (Call Center) 02 697 5454. The Bank will inform the complainant about the steps and length of time it takes to process the Bank. Ready to take care of customers In order for customers to receiv e maximum satisfaction in using the bank's services. Source: Thai News Agency