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Thai-Israeli reservists are not workers.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirms that half-Thai-Israeli soldiers are actually Israeli reservists because they hold dual nationality and must be reservists according to Israeli law. Not Thai workers who go to work

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Publish news documents In the case of news circulating in the social media world that there were Thai workers serving as soldiers for the Israeli side during the Israel-Gaza situation, he stated that he had received a report from the Royal Thai Embassy in Tel Aviv that There are actually Thai people who are half Thai-Israeli who serve as military reservists for Israel. But not Thai workers. In addition to Thai workers in the agricultural sector in Israel, There are still a number of Thai women, approximately 400 - 500, who are married to Israelis. and have children who hold two nationalities, both Thai and Israeli nationalities

according to Israeli law All Israeli nationals (Both women and men) must be drafted into the military when they turn 18 years of age. Men have 32 months of military service and women have 24 months of military service. And when the conscription period is completed, Everyone will be inducted into the reserve army. who will be required to perform military duties if called up from the Israeli army The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also stated that

Since the incident on October 7, 2023, the Israeli army has called up more than 350,000 reservists, or approximately 4 percent of the total Israeli population. entering duty It is considered to be Israel's largest call-up to military reserves. Therefore, there must be half-Thai-Israeli children who serve as reserve soldiers according to Israeli law. But these were not Thai workers who went undercover as mercenaries for Israel as claimed. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs therefore asks for cooperation in not publishing fake news or news that may cause misunderstanding to the public both in Thailand and abroad.

Source: Thai News Agency