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Thailand ranks 64th in the Global Economic Freedom Index.

The Fraser Institute from Canada released the 2023 Economic Freedom of the World Index report, stating that Thailand ranked 64th out of 165 countries and territories around the world. word

Fraser Instituteg released the Economic Freedom of the World Index report for 2023 (based on the latest data from 2021), stating that Thailand was ranked 64th with a score of 7.07 points and ranked 3rd in ASEAN. In ASEAN, Singapore ranked 64th with a score of 7.07 points and 3rd in ASEAN. 1, followed by Malaysia ranked 56th with a score of 7.19 points, followed by Thailand ranked 64th, the Philippines ranked 70th with a score of 7.01 points, Indonesia ranked 74th with a score of 6.93 points, Cambodia ranked 78th with a score of 6.82 points, Vietnam was Ranked 106th with a score of 6.26 points, Lao PDR ranked 107th with a score of 6.25 points and Myanmar ranked 150th with a score of 5.33 points.

Singapore ranked No. 1 in the world with a score of 8.56, driven by higher scores in the government and regulatory governance category. Singapore's overall score increased by 0.06 points, making it take first place.

Singapore overtakes Hong Kong, which has dropped for the first time, to second place with a score of 8.55 points, followed by Switzerland, New Zealand and the United States, which are ranked 3–5 respectively. Hong Kong drops out of first place for the first time since. Since the global economic freedom index was created, This is because the Chinese government has issued measures to restrict immigration. Restrict hiring of foreign workers and increase the cost of doing business This dropped 0.25 points in the topic related to Hong Kong's regulations, and the military's interference in the rule of law and the erosion of confidence in the independence of the judiciary and the impartiality of Hong Kong's courts also hurt the score in the legal system and rights of law. Assets decreased by 0.20 points.

Singapore moved up to No. 1, supported by higher scores in the Government and Regulatory Governance category. Singapore's overall score increased by 0.06 points, making it take first place.

The last ranking is: Republic of Congo, Algeria, Argentina, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Sudan, Syria, Zimbabwe and Venezuela. which is ranked 156– 165 - Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency