Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

“Thaksin” flies to Chiang Mai 14-16 March to see alternative medicine and visit relatives.

Government House, "Thawee" is not worried about the Senators targeting him for questioning, revealing that "Thaksin" asked for permission from the Probation Department. Fly to Chiang Mai 14-16 March. Report to see an alternative doctor - visit relatives. Point out you can do it if you don't leave the country. Police Colonel Thawee Sodsong, Minister of Justice Referring to the general discussion under Section 153 of senators. On the issue of Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, former Prime Minister, that the discussion is not a matter of politics. which helps the government Ask about important issues that you have worked for for 6 months. Personal view is that It should be beneficial and an opportunity for the Minister. Because some matters cannot be discussed, there will be a protective framework for the Minister to explain in the House. Confirmed that he was not worried at all. intend to go listen As for the main focus on the Minister of Justice, especially the issue of Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, he confirmed that we ca n tighten the question on that issue. In the matter of the justice process, there are many The government and the Prime Minister have announced that they will restore the rule of law to be transparent, accountable and acceptable. Use the law according to intent and constitution It must be sacred as the highest law. which must focus on the welfare of the people I think there is no problem. and in the constitution Define the duties of the minister We must create harmony among the people in the country as well. As for being criticized for the double standards, he confirmed that he would have to clarify. and considered it a good opportunity to clarify And for those who are ministers, there must be the same standard. The constitution states that the state must strictly follow and enforce the law. which must be looked at to the intent and must see the notes at the end of the Act As for using this platform to clear up all issues that society is curious about or not, that is not up to par. The Minister of Justice t hinks that it may not be a clear case. Because some things may have good information. In learning, the dimension of the Senate debate is not a political dimension. But it is a dimension of working together to examine the country's administration. Under good governance As for the case of Mr. Thaksin Will travel to Chiang Mai province. There may be a group of red shirts waiting to receive them in the frame that can be done or not. Police Colonel Thawee said that the Director-General of the Probation Department reported that between March 14-16, Mr. Thaksin asked for permission. Come travel to see alternative medicine and visit relatives and ancestors. which can already be done Just prohibited from leaving the country. This matter does not need to be officially clarified by the Department of Corrections. This is a matter for the District Probation Department. As for Mr. Thaksin's case, is it not considered a political movement? The Minister of Justice stated that he was not looking into that issue. Because the trip will be accompanied by a nurse. To see an alternative doctor As for the progress of the pardon and cleansing regulations in the auspicious year, the Minister of Justice Indicates that it has not been considered But the Department of Corrections There will already be a framework for picking up old matters and looking at them, which are Cabinet matters. When do you think it will happen? The Department of Corrections must keep up. But the matter did not come to the minister. Source: Thai News Agency