Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Thaksin’s arrest, duties as SSO.

Government House, Minister of Justice confirms Thaksin's suspension is in accordance with the law. Seizing the body is a matter of the Public Health Volunteer Health Promotion Foundation, pointing out that if she is lying in a hospital, it is considered that she has already received her punishment. "Yingluck" has not yet asked for forgiveness. Pol.Col. Thawee Sodsong, Minister of Justice Referring to the news that Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra will be suspended on February 18, he said that this matter must be considered by the Department of Corrections' suspension committee, which has a total of 19 people from various agencies such as the Ministry of Interior. The Ministry of Public Health will consider it first. This committee will meet every month. There were hundreds of prisoners. As for what day will the meeting be held this month? You have to ask the Department of Corrections. At this time, the matter has not yet reached him. But there should be a meeting soon. Minister of Justice Referring to the leaked doc ument that Mr. Thaksin will receive a reprieve, he said it has not yet been examined. The suspension of punishment will be considered according to the criteria. I didn't look at the person's name. Suspension of sentence is like being punished. But the law allows for a suspended sentence. As for if the sentence is suspended Must Thaksin wear an EM bracelet or not? It depends on the board and the probation department. Will go down and check the details again. Rights of the parolee I want them to receive their rights on time according to international standards. Confirm that granting Thaksin the right to suspend his sentence is in accordance with the law. Because it is important and delicate. When asked repeatedly, Will there be a problem in the case of Mr. Thaksin? Because he didn't go to jail for even one day. But the sentence was suspended. Pol. Col. Thawee said that in the law it is considered that being detained means receiving a punishment. But in the feelings of people, there may be different viewpoints. staying in hospital He uses the word control room, controlled, where in the past sick people were kept in special control rooms at hospitals. This discretion lies with the hospital, not the doctor. As for the hospital police It's at the police. which has safety conditions and many other conditions As for the current news, the police and prosecutors are preparing to request Mr. Thaksin's arrest. to prosecute under Section 112. The Minister of Justice said that Case 112 is a case outside the Kingdom. The Attorney General is the investigator. and will coordinate with the police to join in the investigation. Sequestration is a matter where the accused person is being detained in another case. Then a new case came in. to the point where the person must be seized in order to be taken into the investigation process for a new case You have to see whether you will file a lawsuit or not. This matter should be asked by the Attorney General's Office on how to proceed. 'As for the Ministry of Justice If you request to f reeze yourself It will facilitate the investigation officers. In this case, the police officer will probably be out of duty. Because it is the duty of the Attorney General that the accused's testimony must be taken into consideration If the investigation is complete, then the authority to seize the person will be lost. which may be temporarily released or detained Waiting for the process to consider whether to order a lawsuit or not. It is considered a new case. Now I have to ask the prosecutor whether he has investigated or not. If the investigation is complete, there is no need to seize the person,' Pol. Col. Thawee said. When asked about the case Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra asked for a royal pardon or not. Pol. Col. Thawee said, "I don't know at all. I don't have it." Source: Thai News Agency