Thailand Recorder

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The Air Force insists that it will not protect its personnel who are arrogant and shoot guns into the sky, causing fear among the public.

Air Force spokesman confirms that they will not protect civil servants who commit wrongdoings and will provide justice to all parties. Air Vice Marshal Boonlert Andara, the Air Force spokesman, spoke about the case in which the media reported on air force officials causing trouble for people in the Sai Mai area of ??Bangkok by causing a commotion, revving their engines, honking their horns loudly, and firing guns into the sky, which caused fear among the people and led to complaints being made to the Air Force, but the matter was silenced. As the Air Force spokesperson, I would like to clarify that the Air Force has acted according to the operational framework and has not remained silent as reported in the news. We have assigned the Air Force Inspectorate to urgently investigate the facts and strictly follow the procedures and regulations, including fairness to all parties. -313 Source: Thai News Agency