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The body of a female student arrives at her hometown temple. Autopsy results show that death was caused by a sharp object cutting the throat.

Uttaradit, The body of Nong Ming, a young female student, was killed by her boyfriend, who slit her throat, cut off both hands, and left the body hidden under the expressway. I have returned to my hometown in Uttaradit. While the autopsy results He was found dead because a sharp object had cut his throat. Until the windpipe is torn At 10:00 p.m. last night, a rescue vehicle moved the body of Ms. Waranya or Nong Ming, an 18-year-old female student who died, killed by Mr. Thanakorn or San, her 18-year-old boyfriend. The throat was slit, both hands were cut off, the naked body was wrapped and dumped in the grass on the side of the expressway, Village No. 4, Bang Phun Subdistrict, Mueang District, Pathum Thani Province, hoping to conceal the case. Traveled to the Pavilion Hall. Tao Hai Nuea Temple or Wat Wong Sawan Sutthawat, Phichai District, Uttaradit Province by previously The family contacted to take Nong Ming's body. from the Institute of Forensic Science Ministry of Justice Go back to perform religious c eremonies at your hometown temple. And the body was moved to perform a ceremony to summon the spirit at the scene of the incident under the expressway in Bang Phun Subdistrict before and as soon as the body arrived at the temple. mother of the deceased The seat came with my daughter's body. He got out of the car and hugged the picture that was placed in front of the corpse. Told my daughter through tears that "I've brought you to our house, son." Then the monk Grab the line and walk ahead. Rescue volunteers and relatives helped lift the trunk containing the body. Enter inside the sermon hall. Ready to open the box lid for family and relatives to see before taking the trunk into the cold storage To perform a traditional ceremony The atmosphere was filled with sadness. The mother of the deceased revealed that after a lawsuit was filed against Mr. San, the accused, and work was done on the draft documents. The daughter returned to perform a religious ceremony in Uttaradit Province. On the way she sat with her c hild's corpse. Tossing a coin to ask for a way for the child's soul to return home. "Coby", a male Thai cat, was also present. The accused's family Tried to contact and ask to meet. But we haven't met yet. There was only talking on the phone. Confirm that the matter of the case It must be in accordance with the law, along with thanking everyone and every agency that has provided assistance, advice, and coordination. The family will hold a funeral service until June 9th and there will be a cremation ceremony on June 10th. Meanwhile, Nong Ming's autopsy results found that her trachea was torn from a sharp object. Because there was an injection wound in the neck area and there was also aspiration of blood in the lungs. Therefore it is assumed that before death by torture In the case of aspiration of blood in the lungs At that time the deceased He may not have died yet. choke on blood and blood descends into the lungs As for the progress of the case, yesterday the officials detained Mr. "Zan", aged 18 years, an d asked the Pathum Thani Provincial Court for authority to imprison Pad Raek. The court considered that this was a case with a high penalty rate. The nature of the incident was a shocking case. In addition, the investigating officers objected to bail. If temporary release is allowed It is feared that the accused will escape. In this class there is an order. Temporary release is not allowed. and issue an arrest warrant for the accused and send him to be detained at Pathum Thani Prison. Police side, Pak Khlong Rangsit Police Station Four charges have been filed: intentional killing, concealing a corpse, and moving a corpse. and move the body before officials can arrive As for the interrogation of the accused It will be a form of awareness. Not conscious at times, still unwilling to reveal details of circumstances He only admitted to committing the murder. As for the cause of the action and the method of murdering Mr. Thanakorn He nodded and told the police by pointing out pictures of evidence that the police h ad, but did not want to go into details. Because it will affect the outcome of the case Source: Thai News Agency