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The Chiang Mai Environment Office proposes to upgrade the problem of toxic dust to two levels.

Chiang Mai, The Environment and Pollution Control Office No. 1 proposes to raise the level of solving the toxic dust problem to two levels if the work-form-home crisis reaches 100%. Today, many provinces in the upper northern region still face the problem of PM 2.5 dust levels that are so high that they affect health. Especially in Chiang Mai Rising from number 2 to number 1 among the most polluted cities in the world. The Office of Environment and Pollution Control No. 1 proposes to raise the level of problem solving for toxic dust to two levels if the Workform Home crisis reaches 100%, while the Chiang Mai Governor is preparing to issue an announcement to the Workform Home department. Avoid public health impacts At the Command Center for the prevention and resolution of forest fires, smog and small dust particles PM 2.5 in Chiang Mai Province, Mr. Thotsapon Puanudom, Deputy Governor of Chiang Mai Province, chaired a meeting with relevant agencies in resolving the smog problem. It covered Doi Suthep until it was invisible for the second day and became the number 1 polluted city in the world. Mr. Pradit Sisai, Director of Environment and Pollution Control No. 1, Chiang Mai Office, proposed measures to raise the level at the meeting at two levels as follows: Level 1. In the case of the 24-hour average PM2.5 value is from 75.1 micrograms per cubic meter. Contact. For 3 days, close the forests in risky areas, organize patrols 24 hours a day, and impose strict penalties for the use of forest areas and those who illegally burn forests, and prohibit factories from accepting burnt sugar cane into the crusher. and prohibit buses using diesel engines from transporting people. Ready to ask for cooperation from origins in large factories to reduce production capacity, including 50% WFH. Level 2. In the case of a 24-hour average PM 2.5 value ranging from 150 micrograms per cubic meter. For more than 5 days in a row, the governor must announce an area to provide assistance to disaster victims in case of emergency. ,To the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Ordered the closure of forest conservation areas and national reserved forests, and had the Ministry of Foreign Affairs discuss solving the problem of cross-border smog. ,Diesel-powered trucks are prohibited from entering the city. Have the Ministry of Industry issue an order to temporarily stop business at factories that produce dust. and provide educational institutions Government and private agencies Announcement: Work Form Home 100% While Mr. Nirat Phongsitthaworn Governor of Chiang Mai Province Prepare to issue announcements introducing various agencies. Consider having personnel who do not need to work outside or in the office. To be able to work from home To avoid health effects By looking at appropriateness, each area consists of To help reduce the travel of people coming out of their homes and being affected by dust. However, this announcement is not mandatory but only a recommendation. However, tomorrow the situation will be assessed and an official ann ouncement will be made. Therefore, people are asked to follow the situation closely. Source: Thai News Agency