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The condition is out of danger. The worker was hit by a falling bridge construction beam.

Krabi, A worker was hit by a concrete beam constructing an elevated bridge at the Plalang-Nua Khlong District intersection in Krabi Province. Doctors had to amputate both legs. The condition is now out of danger. The incident occurred at 7:00 p.m. last night (29 Jan.) while Krabi rescue workers We are assisting Mr. Tula, 23 years old, a construction worker for the elevated road project at Pla Lang Intersection - Nuea Khlong District, Krabi Province, Section 2, in front of Krabi Airport. which was covered by a large concrete bridge beam Weight tens of tons It fell on both legs, causing serious injuries. Both legs from the knee down were crushed by concrete beams. His body was exhausted from losing so much blood and he began to breathe heavily. As soon as rescue workers arrived at the scene of the incident, First aid has been expedited. Before fellow construction workers helped bring a large crane to lift the concrete beam from the injured man's body. to deliver to the hospital From asking construction work ers at the scene of the incident It was learned that the project's backhoe that was working at that time had thrown its bucket and hit a concrete beam in the area where the vehicle was working. This causes the bridge's concrete beams, which weigh several tons, to fall apart. It fell on the leg of the injured person who was in the area. Without being careful By technician this afternoon (30 Jan.) Mr. Somchai Hanpakdeepatima Governor of Krabi Province and Mr. Nathachanon Chankong, Director of Krabi Provincial Highway District. Will go down and inspect the incident area. and find measures to prevent the incident from happening again. As for the condition of the most recently injured person, doctors had to amputate both legs. The condition is now out of danger. Source: Thai News Agency