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The Consumer Council proposes a review of high electricity bills

Art and Culture Center, May 11- The Consumer Council proposes a review of the FT electricity bill , adjusting the price structure. solve the problem of oversupply of power reserves in the system, encourage people to install solar cells for households to reduce the burden of electricity bills

Mr. Prasat Meetam, Chairman of Public Service, Energy and Environment Subcommittee Council of Consumer Organizations spoke at the seminar "Power reserves are overflowing in the system, causing high electricity bills, who is responsible?" Compared to electricity bills in Thailand and Malaysia Thailand reviews the variable electricity bill every 4 months, while Malaysia reviews it every month. If 500 units of electricity are consumed, Thailand pays 2,638 baht for electricity, and Malaysia pays 1,292 baht. offsetting electrical units When installing solar cells between 2021-2023 in exchange for electricity per unit / unit, while the Thai cabinet has already approved This cannot be done at this time. counted as the Ministry of Energy It is driven very slowly.

The Consumer Council therefore has a proposal to fix the electricity bill without using the budget as follows:

1. Propose to the ERC to revise the formula for automatic electricity tariff adjustment (Ft) by using the calculation method from forecasting electricity demand and estimating fuel prices and purchasing electricity used as averages in the past 4 months. from the actual fuel and electricity purchase costs of the past 4 months instead

2. The Ministry of Energy and the ERC restructure the price of Pool Gas by bringing the amount of gas into PTT's natural gas separation plant and is used in the petrochemical industry to be included in the price of Pool Gas as well, which will reduce the price of P00l Gas, is expected to help reduce electricity costs by approximately 40,000 - 50,000 million baht per years or reduce electricity bills by 23 – 25 satang/unit

3. Proposal for the Ministry of Energy to arrange for PTT to allocate income from the gas separation plant business as a further discount for natural gas prices to EGAT from the preliminary calculation of the difference in the value of ethane gas of EGAT. natural gas separation plant Sent to the petrochemical industry only in 2021, it was found that there will be a difference in value after deducting expenses and returns from operating a natural gas separation plant. At an appropriate level, about 20,000 million baht, this money can be used as a continuous discount on gas costs for EGAT. to help reduce EGAT's debt burden even more

4. Solving the problem of oversupply of power reserves The Ministry of Energy must stop building large power plants. Stop increasing the purchase of electricity with new power plants. And should negotiate to improve the contract with existing power plants to reduce the cost of electricity purchase. Including the availability payment that occurs This is the first step in solving the problem. filling loopholes for benefiting the people

5. Propose that the ERC announces that the public can install solar cells on the roof of the house by allowing the meter to turn back (Net Metering) according to the cabinet resolution on September 27, 2022. The government immediately pushed in order to reduce the country's electricity bill to below 4 baht per unit to reduce suffering and increase happiness for consumers. sustainable people

Mr. Chalee Charoenlapnopparat Sub-Committee on Public Services, Energy and Environment, Consumer Council said that the international standard for limiting power outages per year (LOLE) is 1 day or 24 hours per year, while Thailand Power outages can be set 0.7 days per year. Therefore, sufficient power plants must be built. And have to reserve 19-24 percent of the electricity for the highest ceiling, claiming that the power plant has depreciation, the public can't verify, accepting the having a large number of backup power plants, 13 places, therefore have a lot of additional costs ready to pay EGAT has to pay according to the contract. Even if the electricity is not paid, you still have to pay, for example, during the months of January-April 2023, there are 2 factories that do not need to operate electricity generation machines. still get ready to pay 6,187 million baht, electricity consumption each year 200 billion units, if roughly calculated, only 4 baht per unit, worth up to 800 billion baht

Mrs. Rosana Tositrakul, Sub-Committee on Public Services, Energy and Environment, Consumer Council of Thailand, said that in case of oversupply of power reserves in the system. It is a transfer of profits from EGAT to the private sector in just 5 years, becoming the number one economy in Thailand. Acknowledging that in the past 20 years, EGAT has slightly increased the capacity of electricity from the original 15,000 megawatts. While the power plants of the private sector, during the past 20 years, it was seen that only one private entity had a power plant concession contract. grows close to EGAT's production capacity of 15,000 megawatts.

Source: Thai News Agency