Thailand Recorder

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The court scheduled 7 appointments to examine evidence in the case of police assisting “Kamnan Nok”

Bangkok, Criminal Court for corruption cases. Appointment to investigate 7 rounds of evidence in the case of police helping "Kamnan Nok" escape after the shooting incident. "Bank Inspector" sets the judgment date for April 22, 2024. Reporters reported that at Courtroom 303, Central Criminal Court for Corruption and Misconduct Cases Make an appointment to examine evidence and set a trial date for the prosecutor. The Office of the Special Prosecutor for Suppression of Corruption Cases 3 is the plaintiff. 16 police officers for misconduct in their official position or neglecting to perform their duties illegally, and 7 civilians for the offense of supporting officers in performing their duties illegally, from the case of Police Lieutenant Colonel Siwakorn or bank inspector Was shot dead at a party at Kamnan Nok's house on September 6, 2023. The atmosphere inside the court room revealed that the court had brought Mr. Praveen or Kamnan Nok, who was the defendant in the case, from prison. Kamnan Nok was wearing a prisoner's uniform. Handcuffs and ankle shackles He had a calm expression and his body was noticeably thin. without showing any signs of stress In addition, the court also removed defendants 1-5, who were police officers who were at the party on the day of the incident, from prison as well. As for the remaining defendants who were released on bail, they all came to court today. Only defendant number 20 did not come to court today. The court scheduled a total of 7 witness examination appointments, instead of the original 9, and scheduled the hearing of the case on April 22, 2024. The total period from ordering the case until the judgment date is approximately 5 months. Source: Thai News Agency