Thailand Recorder

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The electrical appliance market continues to grow. Important industry standards

Bangkok, Krungsri Research assesses the overall picture. Trends in Thai industry over the next 3 years, trends for 2024-2026, especially electronic components and electrical appliances. will continue to grow Consistent with investment promotion and high production standards of Thai entrepreneurs Krungsri Research by Bank of Ayudhya Publish information on trends in Thai business and industry. The electrical appliance industry is forecasted between 2024-2026. Production volume is expected to increase. There is a supporting factor from the resolution of the supply chain problems of electronic components. In line with the approval of investment promotion in the electrical appliance industry. and electronics that expanded 211.8% YoY with a total investment value of 160 billion baht in the first 9 months of 2023. Domestic sales are likely to increase. Benefit from the recovery trend of housing projects. gradually according to the economic direction and continued growth of the tourism business As for the export s ide, it will expand more. according to the recovery of the world economy after inflation began to gradually decrease Entering a new round of change, it is expected that domestic production and sales volumes will likely grow at the same rate of 1.5-2.5% per year, while export values ??will increase by 2.0-3.0% per year. News reports indicate that production standards meet high industry standards for Thai entrepreneurs. This makes Thai electrical appliances products accepted by both domestic and international markets. Makes it easier to buy things like electrical appliances like fans. that continues to grow in markets all over the country and for export, which Thailand is a tropical country Including shoppers can choose to find high standard products. Has a standard mark Industry standard or TIS has a system to prevent electric shock. Until withstanding increased temperatures as specified by TIS. Protection against electrical leakage. and can withstand humidity well. Source: Thai News Agency