Thailand Recorder

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The Energy Regulatory Commission approves the plan to accelerate the import of LNG at cheap prices in order to reduce electricity costs.

Bangkok, The Energy Regulatory Commission approves the plan to accelerate the import of LNG during low prices in order to reduce electricity costs. Hint, if the debt is not included in the cost of fuel. EGAT approximately 100 billion Electricity bills this year tend to decrease. But it still hasn't dropped to 4.20 baht/unit. Mr. Khomkrit Tantrawanit Secretary-General of the Energy Regulatory Commission Office (ERC Office), as ERC spokesperson, revealed that the trends in electricity prices for the remaining 2 periods of 2024 are the periods of May-August and September. -Dec. Costs decreased than last year. from natural gas costs Both in terms of price And the imported volume of liquefied natural gas (LNG) decreased because during 2021-2023, gas from the Erawan field produced less than planned. Since it is a concession transition period, LNG must be brought in to replace in high quantities. But from April 2024, it is expected that the Erawan field will be able to produce gas. to enter the system at 800 milli on cubic feet per day as planned. In addition, the price of LNG in the world market decreased. It is a positive factor that will make the cost of electricity cheaper than last year. When calculating the cost of electricity from the cost of production excluding the debt owed to the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), which is responsible for the fuel costs of the people in the year starting in 2021, it will result in the average remaining cost of electricity. At 4.20 -4.25 baht per unit if debt is included. EGAT will be higher than this. by the original debt burden of EGAT still has approximately 95,000 million baht remaining and if combined with the government's request to EGAT will bear the burden first for the period Sept.-Dec. 2023 and the period Jan.-April 2024. In this part, there will be an additional burden of approximately 20,000 million baht. The Office of the Energy Regulatory Commission will calculate the FT estimate for the May-August period at the end of this month. before open ing to listen to public opinions As for importing LNG to produce electricity this year, There is a slight trend of decreasing from last year, or approximately 90 ships, or approximately 5.8 million tons. The amount of imports depends on the amount of gas. in the Gulf of Thailand from the Erawan source and the amount of gas from Myanmar How much can be produced? As specified or not If there is a lot, the amount of imports can be reduced. 'LNG imports must be managed as best as possible. During this period, the price of LNG in the world market has decreased. We try to have the importer or chipper buy some of it. It is a short-term contract to manage risk,' Mr. Khomkrit stated. For challenges in energy governance in the next period This is a period of energy transition to a low-carbon society (Energy Transition) which faces challenges in regulatory work to ensure stability. stability and developing the energy sector to achieve sustainability in 4 areas as follows: Governance to support increasing the proporti on of electricity produced by renewable energy. Support the development of new renewable energy technologies, such as energy from hydrogen fuel. small nuclear power Including promoting and developing carbon storage technology in the country. Managing the electricity grid for maximum efficiency can support the rapidly increasing trend of renewable energy. Including providing opportunities for electricity users who produce electricity for their own use to sell as much electricity into the system at a reasonable price. Promoting the development of clean energy and renewable energy based on potential and geographic advantages Thailand's energy sector has an advantage in being able to utilize those potentials and advantages for maximum benefit, including the potential in terms of location to be able to efficiently produce electricity from solar energy. Thailand is an agricultural country which can produce electricity from waste materials. and management of natural gas resources in the Gulf of Thailand and other sources Including imports from abroad to enhance each other's efficiency, it can help increase the efficiency of providing electricity services in every area. The situation supports energy fluctuations and can also be developed into a carbon sink. Increasing competition in the energy sector with the aim of bringing benefits to electricity consumers. Promote energy users and industrial businesses to have access to and use of clean energy at appropriate prices. In the social dimension, it can be seen that Thailand also has a policy of using the same electricity rates in all areas in order to spread prosperity. There is a policy that people who use no more than 50 units of electricity per month do not have to pay electricity bills to help those with low incomes. There is a policy to help vulnerable groups in energy crisis situations. And there is a policy of public lighting for the safety of the people without charging electricity costs. Planning for the transition to green energy (Energy Transition) must tak e into account technological changes and developments, such as the application of hydrogen in electricity production. Development of small nuclear power plants (SMR) Development of energy storage systems Including rapid changes in other technologies (Disruptive Technology), etc., while the Utility Green Tariff (UGT) is another way to encourage green energy electricity users to choose to purchase green electricity. Green from the system at a fair price and without taking advantage of existing electricity users. Source: Thai News Agency