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The hail storm hit Khao Kho for 2 days in a row, completely white.

Hail storms hit Khao Kho 2 days in a row, completely white on the floor. Damaged vegetable fields

A Facebook user posted a video of a massive hail storm. At Ban Rim Si Muang, Rim Si Muang Subdistrict, Khao Kho District, Phetchabun Province until the ground was white with hail along with the message that "Khao Kho Country", then there were many people who came to express their opinions, stating that around 4:00 p.m. yesterday, heavy rain and hail fell for hours. run to store He was hit by hail until his whole body was hurt. Fortunately, there was no wind storm. Otherwise, the house may be damaged. It was also found that Hail fell on the cabbage fields of the villagers who were going to be harvesting in a few days. damaged many acres

Rainstorms are still blowing in the area of Camp Son Subdistrict, Khao Kho District, and hail falls as well. make farmer's organic vegetable plots many damaged While the city of Phetchabun is very hot. The highest temperature yesterday was 41.0 degrees, today's 40.1 degrees. – Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency