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The latest victim’s mother believes that “Am” caused her daughter’s death.

Bangkok, May 1 - the latest victim's mother. Entering information with the "Big Joke" working group, believing that "Am" caused the death of her daughter

Mrs. Ladda, 64, a native of Kamphaeng Phet, whose mother Ms Monthathip or Sai, 37, died 7 years ago in the Bangkok area. travel to provide information to the working group of Pol. Gen. Surachet Hakpal, Deputy Commissioner of the National Police After the mother still suspected that her daughter might die from the actions of "Am", the mother said briefly that she felt comfortable that Police General Surachet Came in to help take care of the case, insisting on demanding justice for the daughter and wanting "Am" to receive the highest penalty, which is the death penalty. Personally, although I don't see how "Am" acts on my daughter. But still believes that "Am" caused her daughter's death

Ms. Montathip or "Sai" died in 2015 with information that "Sai" lived in Bangkok. Having an intimate relationship with "Am" is considered a close friend. When making merit, there will be "Am" with him. Throughout the period of friendship with "Am", "Sai" will help "Am" in every matter, especially in matters of money, which "Am" often Borrow money from "Sai" all the time, about 50,000 baht or more per time, but never used back, which "Sai" never complained or asked for money. Most recently, before "Sai" died, "Sai" went to stay with her husband abroad for about 3 years, then when returning to Thailand, "Am" volunteered to pick up "Sai" at the airport and send her home. in the early morning Soon after that, Sai's mother came to hear the news that her daughter had died. Therefore, the matter must be dealt with.

In addition, after the cremation of "Sai" was completed, "Sai"'s mother used to call "Am" to inquire about the property of "Sai", but instead, "Am" said bad words to her and cut off the call. along with claiming that "Sai"'s husband told "Am" to put the property up for auction Causing the mother of "Sai" to remain unsure of the cause of her daughter's death for the past 7 years, the cause of death, the doctor said, was caused by acute heart failure.

However, for the issue that the officials will use to inquire about Ms. Ladda. is related to the relationship The connection between "Sai" and "Am" in order to use the information for further investigations. In addition, tomorrow (May 2) it was also reported that Pol. Gen. Surachet Hakpal, deputy commander in chief of the police, will call a meeting of the solving team. to conclude the whole case again After the task has been assigned to the police station in each area to perform. Along with receiving additional complaints that there will be other victims increased too? .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency