Thailand Recorder

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The Minister of Foreign Affairs insists on coordinating all sectors to speed up solving the beggar problem.

Bangkok, "Warawut", Minister of Defense, confirmed that the Ministry of Defense is coordinating with the police-Bangkok. and all sectors rush to solve the beggar problem Ask society not to give money to beggars To break the cycle of the beggar business

Mr. Warawut Silpa-archa, Minister of Social Development and Human Security (Ministry of Social Development and Human Security), spoke about the case of solving the problem of foreign beggars who come to beg in Thailand. That is the case of beggars who come to beg in Thailand. Confirmed that begging is illegal in Thailand. can't do it Because it is clearly against the law, therefore, whether Thai people or foreigners cannot come and beg because we have laws against it. And when arrested, if they are Thais, the Ministry of Human Rights will take over from the police. to be taken into a shelter for the homeless But if it is a foreign beggar, the Ministry of Human Rights will coordinate with the police. to send to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to send back to the country of origin Or if it can be proven that If related to human trafficking Will enter the process after screening victims of human trafficking according to the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) for further investigation and action.

Mr. Warawut said that having the private sector come to help act as the eyes and ears of the government sector, the Ministry of Secondary Education would like to thank you for regularly releasing to the media. It is something that helps in reporting clues. The officials of the Ministry of Public Health have worked together with the police. and agencies in areas such as Bangkok which work together 24 hours a day if people see an incident Please provide clues. Because in addition to the private sector, the Ministry of Public Health and government agencies There is a direct notification center as well. It may not work as expected. We apologize. Because there are very few officers If compared to people all over the country who can help be the eyes and ears. which everyone helped to report clues We must thank you.

Mr. Warawut further said that Seven foreign beggars who were Chinese were arrested. Whether it is considered a movement or not is unclear. Everything is possible. However, You must look at the reasons for traveling to Thailand. How is the journey? Is it involved with any process? But the ministry The MSD has no authority to investigate or take action. Therefore, we must wait for information from the police. For solving problems in Thailand There is that begging process. Officials from the Department of Social Development and Welfare of the Ministry of Social Development and Human Services. We work with many other sectors. There is a fast moving unit. Working in tandem with police officers But to say whether it is a movement or not is We have to work with the police to see that. Is there any systematic work? I would like to emphasize that the problem of beggars is not difficult at all. If people passing by join together, do not give money to beggars. When he didn't get the money It is not a business. Therefore, in reality, solving the problem of begging, if it is difficult, it is considered difficult. No matter how much we suppress and clean it up, it keeps happening. The solution to the beggar problem is to not only give money to beggars. Because as much as there is information Some beggars have more money than graduates. Therefore, the most important thing is that Thai people are generous people. But we must be charitable in the right way. Do not promote in illegal ways.

Mr. Warawut added that As for concluding whether the Chinese beggars who were arrested were involved in the international beggar movement or not, To obtain such information We have to wait for the police, which the Ministry of Public Health does not have the authority to investigate. Most importantly, we must use a multidisciplinary team to talk. Check with the victim first. What is the origin? and work to bring information to coordinate with police officers As for determining whether it is a human trafficking ring Or what kind of process is it? There are steps and elements. which is checked at this level The police are checking to see if it is included or not and how. If the results are known The police will inform the public whether it is a human trafficking ring or not, but for now we must wait for clarity from the police first.

Source: Thai News Agency