Thailand Recorder

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The Ministry of Public Health reveals that the dengue fever situation has increased 1.9 times from last year.

Ministry of Public Health, The Department of Disease Control reveals that the dengue fever situation is starting to become worrisome during this period. It has been found that patients have continuously increased since the beginning of the year, 1.9 times more than last year during the same period. Therefore, we would like to emphasize that medical facilities should prescribe mosquito repellent to patients with dengue fever. To reduce the spread of dengue fever in the community along with eliminating the breeding grounds for Aedes mosquitoes Dr. Thongchai Keeratihatthayakorn Director-General of the Department of Disease Control said that last January, 8,197 cases of dengue fever were found, 1.9 times more than in 2023 (4,286 cases) and is likely to continue increasing. The highest number of cases were found in the age group of 5-14 years, with most cases found in the southern and central regions. There were 13 confirmed deaths, spread across 11 provinces, and the most deaths were among those over 65 years o f age. The Department of Disease Control would like to emphasize that all medical facilities should distribute mosquito repellent to dengue fever patients. who are hospitalized in the outpatient department To prevent the spread of dengue fever in patients to the community. Because dengue fever patients, if bitten by an Aedes mosquito, can pass on dengue fever to others. Applying mosquito repellent to dengue fever patients will help break the cycle. and reduce the spread of dengue fever By applying 1 packet per day every 6 hours for 5 consecutive days from the day of diagnosis. In addition, we must ask for cooperation from the public to help survey. and destroy the breeding grounds of Aedes mosquitoes according to measures 3, collect, prevent 3 diseases continuously to reduce the number of Aedes mosquitoes in the next generation. Dr. Thongchai added that In addition to applying mosquito repellent to prevent mosquito bites in patients with dengue fever, People who are not sick but live in the same household O r in the same neighborhood as the patient must apply mosquito repellent as well. To prevent mosquito bites If you have symptoms of suspected dengue fever, such as a high fever along with headaches, pain in the eye sockets, red face, thirst, or bleeding spots on the body, arms, legs, etc. You should not buy medicine to take by yourself. In particular, fever-reducing drugs in the NSAIDs group such as ibuprofen, diclofenac, aspirin, and combination drugs can cause excessive bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract and are difficult to treat. Risk of death If you take fever reducing medicine or wipe your body and the fever does not go down. Or when it reduces and the fever comes back high again? You should immediately see a doctor. If dengue fever is treated early, severe symptoms can be prevented. and can die Ask for more information At the Department of Disease Control hotline, call 1422. Source: Thai News Agency