Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

The new social force opens the way for other parties to form a government.

Parliament, July 26 – Head of the New Social Force Preparing to propose to the meeting of 8 parties to join together to amend the MOU after switching to Pheu Thai as the leader to form a government Identify antiques as a whole forward policy. Not stuck if inviting other parties to form a government

Chaowarit Khajohnpongkirati, leader of the New Social Power Party Mentioned the proposal to amend the MOU of the 8 joint parties that because the MOU was first written to support Mr. Pita Limcharoenrat. Leader of the Kao Klai Party as Prime Minister And all 23 policies are the policies of the Progressive Party. But now that the party has advanced Passed the stick to the Pheu Thai Party as a leader to form a government. Therefore, it was seen that the MOU that had been made is no longer valid. therefore proposed that the Pheu Thai Party make a new MOU, however, whether the Pheu Thai Party would make a new one or not It is the right of the Pheu Thai Party. including which party to join the government To get all 375 votes or to stick to 8 parties

When asked if tearing up the original MOU would affect relations with the 8 coalition parties or not, Mr. Chaowarit said that it was with the Pheu Thai Party whether it would stick to the original MOU or amend it to support the Pheu Thai Party's prime ministerial candidate. But the coalition remains the same. just change the text Because as far as I have read in the MOU, every item is the policy of the far-reaching party, if there is a meeting of 8 parties, they will discuss this matter at the meeting as well.

As for the votes of the 8 coalition parties, now with 312 votes, it may not be enough support. Should the 9th party, the 10th party be added or not? Mr. Chaowarit said that he was at the Pheu Thai Party because all 8 parties were assigned to the Pheu Thai Party. Be a leader in coordinating other political parties Including seeking support from the senator. Because he has assigned Pheu Thai Party to be the leader to form the government.

When asked about the observations that the Pheu Thai Party was pushing further away from being a coalition party, Mr. Chaowarit said he did not look at it that way. The Pheu Thai Party invited political parties from different poles to talk. just want to discuss the solution And give advice on where there are conflicting problems that the 8 coalition parties have to solve.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency