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The Online News Producers Association invites submissions for the contest. “Best Digital News” of 2023

Online News Producers Association Invite the media to submit news stories online. Enter the contest to win prizes. “Best Digital News of 2023” (Digital News Excellence Awards 2023) for the 9th time. This year, there is a news contest divided into 6 categories as follows.

Best investigative news or online documentary (Investigative News and News Feature)

Best Online News from Social Media Agenda (News Development from Social Media Agenda)

Best online news promoting society (Social Development News) (covering news on the environment, public health, women, etc.)

Online news presented in the form of excellent video clips (Video Clip News)

Online news presented in the form of great infographics (Infographic News)

Great online news photos (Photojournalist)

Award types are divided into 2 types.

First place prize (1 prize for each news category), honor shield, and prize money of 30,000 baht each.

Honorable mention prizes (2 prizes for each news category), honor shield and prize money of 10,000 baht each.

Those interested in submitting work to participate in the contest must include: Qualifications and conditions for submitting work to the contest According to the details as follows:

Digital news submitted to the contest Must be work produced by the online news editorial team or by a journalist in a media organization that has been accredited by a professional journalistic organization. and the work must not have any part copied from any other media.

It is digital news published for the first time on digital media (Digital First) that is not limited by the format of content (news text, images, infographics, videos) of the media organization. During the period from 1 September 2022 to 30 September 2023

Write documents for news reporting Explaining the purpose of presenting news Methods for obtaining news, production steps, and the period of production until the publication date. along with reports on the results of publication, such as comments from readers Impact of news on society number of visitors or other details that are considered beneficial to the consideration of the committee The length must not exceed 2 A4 pages. However, if news agencies that wish to submit news in English will be considered. The news agency must also attach a document translating the news content into Thai for consideration.

Entries must be certified by the editors of the original media outlet as the entrant's work. Therefore it will be considered a complete work.

Each media organization can submit work for all award categories, with no more than 3 news stories per category.

Best type of online news in the form of video clips (Video Clip News), length not exceeding 5 minutes.

Apply according to the association's form. Ready to submit digital news work in the form of a digital file (.jpg, .png or .gif) with the URL or link to the news page submitted for the contest, link to the news work in video format, news documentation (as per section 3 .) and certified documents from the editor (as per item 4.) at or QR code

to submit work to participate in the contest. From now until 25 October 2023

Judges' judging criteria

News that is beneficial to news consumers and promotes society

The news is of high quality and meets journalistic standards.

News that does not violate professional ethics in journalism or legal principles

The news presented is complete.

News with appropriate presentation selection cause clear understanding in the form of a digital platform

. The decision of the committee appointed by the Online News Producers Association is considered final. and the committee may decide not to award any award. In the event that there is no suitable work that will receive that award.

See contest details at and

For more information, call. 081-700-2601

Source: Thai News Agency