Thailand Recorder

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The Phonprapa family meets with the Office of the Provincial Administrative Organization and admits the charges after being named involved in the Mor stock case.

Bangkok, 3 mothers and children of the Phonprapha family. Dod went to meet with the police and learned of the charges after his name was involved in the Mor stock case. Today (January 22) the reporter reported that Mrs. Orapin Phonprapha along with Mr. Ekkapat or Hisokim and Mr. Athipat Phonprapha, their two sons. Travel to meet Pol. Maj. Gen. Putthidet Bunkrapue, Commander-in-Chief of the Office of the Provincial Administrative Organization, according to the summons of the investigating team in the MOR stock manipulation case. In order to acknowledge the accusation of an offense according to Securities Act, thieves' dens and work together to defraud After finding out that he was involved or connected to the said case Mr. Ekaphat or Hi So Kim said that today he came to meet with the investigative officer to know the allegations. After being one of the accused or suspects in this matter In the past, I was pure-hearted, never ran away, and had a permanent place of residence. As you know, I have a good founda tion. The matter that happened, if you were not sincere and sincere, would not have happened. As for the various facts Will explain to the police. which has prepared all evidence and requested information As for his relationship with Mr. Apimook Bamrungwong, or "Ping Pong," he admitted that they really knew each other. But we've only known each other for a short time, about 3-4 months. In the past, I had never played stocks. Usually the family invests under their own name. Until he saw that he was losing money, he turned to managing it himself. But because he is a person who is hungry for success Catch fish with many hands So he hired someone to take care of the investment instead. Therefore causing this matter to happen. It is an important lesson. This case comes from the case of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) investigating and finding irregularities regarding the trading of shares of More Return Public Company Limited during the day. 18 July 2022 - 10 Nov. 2022 which indicates an illegal act. Until a complaint was filed Before the Department of Special Investigation later accepted the matter as a special case. before later on The Prime Minister's Office will issue an order to appoint police officers under the Central Investigation Bureau. Come join in the working group. To expedite the resolution of the said case. Reporters reported that as for Mr. Apimuk Bamrungwong or "Ping Pong", the main accused in the said case. Previously, the investigating officer had issued a summons. But there was no response. or cooperate appears to have run away behavior Therefore, evidence was gathered and requested the jurisdiction of the Criminal Court to issue an arrest warrant for the offense of "manipulating the price of securities A gang of thieves and collaborators in fraud,' which is currently in the process of accelerating the investigation, tracing, arresting, and prosecuting according to the legal process. Source: Thai News Agency