Thailand Recorder

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The policy has no details. There are no indicators, the time is unclear.

Sirikanya" points out government policy statement. No details, indicators, unclear time frame Not exactly what was promised before the election. I hope to see the management methods used during the control of "Sansiri" applied to work.

Ms. Sirikanya Tansakul, MP for the Kao Klai Party, discussed that a good policy statement would restore confidence. People's faith in the new government can be restored. It is an opportunity for the government to make promises about how the next four years will bring progress to the people and by what means. These promises are concrete. It will determine the responsibility towards the people. and the public can verify that Have you made a contract?

“A good government policy statement must be in the form of a Government Policy Statement (GPS). There must be clear goals for working throughout these 4 years by what means? And act like you campaigned or not? And when will you reach the goal? But the policy statement is no different from previous documents. If we say this is GPS, this country would be lost. Because there was only emptiness, lightness, hardly anything to be said. There are only floating wishes. There are only broad statements. Lack of clarity on goals to be reached There are no numerical indicators, only appropriate and significant adjectives. fairly,” Ms. Sirikanya said.

Miss Sirikanya Compare the policy statements of the last 3 governments. The promises stated in the policies must be clear. Both goals and methods must have appropriate indicators and a time frame. To build confidence among the people Let the public inspect the work. Is it according to the contract? And most importantly Must include the campaign campaign policy. If any political party that is honest does not include the policies that it campaigned for, Without an audible explanation, this is considered a political party that has betrayed the trust that was given to the people.

Ms. Sirikanya said that the government policy statement of Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Finance Minister It is on the same level as the government of Gen. Prayut Chan-o-cha, former prime minister. And that's disappointing. The Pheu Thai Party government's standards have dropped, not maintaining good standards like the government of Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra, former prime minister. with a clear goal There are all policies that have been campaigned for. There is a clear time frame.

"Statement of government policy There are no clear details. There are no measurable indicators targets. There is no time frame. and does not correspond to the policies promised before the election Ready to give an example Some policies such as Minimum wage 600 baht, bachelor's degree minimum 25,000 baht, but the statement only states that The minimum wage is fair. and a fair salary Or the 20 baht electric train policy was not specified in the policy statement. The Prime Minister comes from the private sector. We expect to apply the private sector management approach to government administration in some matters. But I still don't see that. began to be used in policy statements I want Mr. Settha to imagine if this was the new CEO sharing his vision with the board. Making a statement to investors or with the shareholder meeting If it were you, would you continue listening or would you get up and walk away?” Ms. Sirikanya said.

Miss Sirikanya Discussing the presentation of Mr. Settha's vision During the time he still held the position of chairman of Sansiri Company Ltd. has clear goals and time frames. and has numbers to measure and in the policy statement there is a lack of ambition for society to progress or create change at the structural level. and rarely talks about policies related to political conflicts or conflicts in the three southern border provinces Don't dare touch difficult matters that require solving problems at the root. which when campaigning was much braver than this When Mr. Settha was an executive There is an idea to support the collection of property taxes and inheritance taxes, so the question is raised: Do you still have this idea? or have changed your mind

“Policy statement of Mr. Settha Similar to General Prayut Because the government is afraid of being tied down. Afraid of not being able to do as promised and the reason why it cannot be done Because it is a cross-polar coalition government whose policies are opposite sides. and cannot find a conclusion Therefore, a broad policy must be written. Moreover, the source of power must be considerate of the old power group. Various capital groups Therefore, we do not dare to do difficult things that involve clashing with anyone,” Ms. Sirikanya said.

Miss Sirikanya Mentioning the digital wallet policy that will use a budget of 560 billion baht, the source of the budget is therefore important. If using the national budget, one must consider whether the budget is sufficient or not. Or do you have enough cash? Or if using money outside the budget, there are 3 methods: borrowing money from a state bank Borrowing from revolving funds? and selling Vayupak funds If you choose to use the budget of 67, it will definitely not be enough. Because the actual remaining budget that can be used is 400 billion baht, but the Prime Minister has asked other coalition parties to invest the remaining budget into digital wallets. But if you choose to use money outside of your budget, you cannot do so. If the fiscal discipline framework is not revised which the Prime Minister said Will be strict about financial and fiscal discipline. But the first task will begin with breaking down the framework of fiscal and monetary discipline, right?

“Digital wallets can definitely stimulate the economy. But please set your priorities well. Public administration is not gambling. You can't pour everything in your lap and hope for water from the next pond. Advantages of broad policy statements That is, what can you do more than that? You still have another opportunity to announce the budget. If the policy statement is a 4-year promise, the budget statement will be a 1-year promise, which he is still waiting for the next opportunity,” Ms. Sirikanya Said

Source: Thai News Agency