Thailand Recorder

Latest News From Thailand

Internal Affairs

The Prime Minister confirms the importance of FTA, attracting investment and preventing production base relocation.

Seththa" confirms importance of FTA, attracting investment and preventing production base relocation. Accelerate competition with Vietnam Take a neutral position on the world stage Explain that you travel often. Going to woo foreign investors, hoping to create jobs, increase income, develop labor skills, addressing problems in Myanmar. Thailand will set up a help center Ready to negotiate to solve PM 2.5 - drugs. As for overlapping areas, prepare to find mutual benefits. Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Responding to the discussion of Mr. Noppadol Pattama, Party list MP, Pheu Thai Party, on the draft policy regarding the implementation of foreign policy by adhering to the foreign identity law. more multilaterally, that the government places importance on international trade treaties or FTAs, with our country still lagging behind competing countries such as Vietnam, therefore being at risk of foreign investment and the relocation of production bases from progress in making agreemen ts FTA is ready to confirm that the government has a clear operational plan. As for Thailand's position on the world stage, Mr. Settha said that Thailand clearly has a neutral stance and is proud of its independence. In the case of conflicts occurring in Israel The government uses a policy of diplomatic neutrality. By relying on cooperation from international countries that have connections to help innocent Thai people. As for the Prime Minister's travels to other countries, Mr. Settha said they went to attract investment from other countries. Raise the level of industrial development and create more employment with higher incomes. The government has operated continuously for 100 days and we have to compete with neighboring countries. In order to offer good deals to investor countries, however, the government is not just good at tax policy. But the country also has international schools. and global health systems This affects the residences of investors. Therefore, the government will give importance to imp roving the lives of the people. As for human capital, Mr. Settha said that in attracting investors, we do not want foreign investors to invest only to create employment. But we will allow investors to develop the workforce and create special skills that the people of the country still lack. So that people can work in new industries, have good incomes, and have higher incomes. As for problems occurring within Myanmar, Mr. Settha said that Myanmar is a neighboring country of Thailand. It has a similar population of approximately 70 million people and has a border with Thailand of more than 2,000 kilometers. It is an important country. Currently there is a problem Thailand must take the lead in setting up centers to provide assistance to fellow human beings. Combined with negotiations to solve the PM 2.5 dust and drug problems. As for the overlapping area dispute with Cambodia, Mr. Settha said the government is negotiating with Cambodia. with which we have a good relationship It is one of the important agenda items with the country's leaders. to take advantage of shared resources and improve the quality of life of both countries Source: Thai News Agency