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The Prime Minister emphasizes visiting the 3 southern border provinces to build on

Betong: 28 Feb. - The Prime Minister emphasizes visiting the 3 southern border provinces. to continue expanding Ask the media not to focus only on the problem. Accelerate the work of Chao Mae Lim Ko to raise the level. It is a world-class festival, comparable to "Phuket Vegetarian Food", explains Betong Airport. Ready to open again If there are enough users Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister, used the time after lunch to travel up. Visit the Betong Winter Flower Museum The Prime Minister then gave an interview to the media summarizing the overall picture of his trip to the 3 southern border provinces for 3 days between 27-29 February. The Prime Minister emphasized that he came to find opportunities and hidden things to bring up and create additional value that he doesn't want. Let the media look or ask But the problem is that I want to look at it in terms of creating opportunities, which in the past day and a half after starting the mission at Krue Se Mosque. Feel the atmosphere of friendship and peace and also see many opportunities. Which among the various products that the villagers brought to display at Krue Se Mosque They are all good and have value. Both food and use and brass products Nowadays, the people who do it are getting older and fewer. So he ordered Ministry of Cultural Rehabilitation The same is true for the festival of worshiping Goddess Lim Ko Niao. Yesterday I had the opportunity to visit Met a lot of tourists. Therefore, we thought of the possibility of raising the level of the Lim Ko Niao Goddess event. It's a world-class festival. Like the Vegetarian Festival in Phuket, including in March or April, His Majesty the King of Brunei Darussalam will pay an official visit to Thailand He will lead the youth orchestra of Yala City Municipality. who came to play today Went to see the Government House. Then take the opportunity to take a field trip as well. As for transportation Especially Betong Airport at present Even though it is an international airport But the service had to be closed. Mr. Set tha stated that today we have Mr. Suriya. Therefore, Rungruangkit The Minister of Transport and the Permanent Secretary came and talked about roads and airports, but we had to understand the commercial aspect. If the private sector comes in There must be demand. I came here to create demand. Let's let the world know that the 3 southern border provinces are interesting provinces to visit. And don't worry. If there is demand The plane is definitely coming. As for reassuring the public about security, Mr. Settha stated that the security department has worked well. Throughout the past one year Well, the problem has decreased a lot. No one wants to have problems. Today we need to talk more about opportunities. If we forget about insecurity or quarrels And turn to talk about opportunities, believing that everyone wants to have money in their pocket. If the economy is good Equality There is equality. Receive the correct education Receive equal rights for everyone who is Thai. Think of various problems Probably won' t happen. And there must be transportation. If many things are better And an opportunity came up People want to expand their business. All he needed was capital. The government must try to manage. both Islamic banks To understand the living context of our brothers and sisters in the 3 southern border provinces. And other banks need to talk to each other to support them. If there is a desire to expand the breeding of Nile Tilapia Relevant agencies will be there to help. Including the Ministry of Finance must take care of it as well. .-313-Thai News Agency Source: Thai News Agency