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Internal Affairs

The private sector keeps an eye on the 3rd round of prime ministerial votes.

The private sector is keeping an eye on the Prime Minister's vote for the third round, asking all parties to cooperate so that the government can be formed as soon as possible. In order to solve the economic problem - drought from El Niño that is likely to be severe and long economic stimulus increase purchasing power first

Mr. Kriangkrai Thiennukul, president of the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI), revealed that the private sector is keeping an eye on and encouraging all parties to vote for the 3rd round of prime minister this afternoon (22 August 2023). hope Voting will go smoothly. to get the 30th prime minister according to the timeline, no more delays to get the cabinet to solve economic problems and the drought caused by El Niño that tends to be severe and lasts for many years.

Currently, Thailand's export sector is affected. Continuous negative feedback since October last year From the global economy slowing down, the United States, Europe, China, the economy did not meet expectations. This causes many export industries to reduce their production capacity. Stocks may overflow, which may cause liquidity problems. while domestic trade is sluggish less purchasing power In addition, the Bank of Thailand increased the interest by another 0.25 percent, resulting in SMEs borrowers having to bear more costs. Household debt is higher than 90.6 percent, so the government should hurry to solve the problem and after the cabinet has been asked to accelerate economic stimulus measures. Increase purchasing power and help SMEs first

As for the Pheu Thai Party's 10,000 baht digital wallet policy To be given to people aged 16 years and over is considered a good stimulus to the economy. If the loophole can be closed for the recipient to spend according to the objectives because it will make more than 5 hundred thousand million baht Circulating in the economy for 4-5 rounds, which will help to pull the economic engine on. However, it must be concise. Don't let the money slip out of the system. Or circulate in the system only once as in the past

As for the wage increase of 600 baht by the year 2027, it is the campaign policy of the Pheu Thai Party that has been there since the beginning. Setting a ceiling of 600 baht within 4 years is considered flexible for both employers and employees. However, the wage increase should be done after the economic stimulus. which believes that the trilogy does not interfere and ready to support.

Source: Thai News Agency