Thailand Recorder

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The private sector prepares to propose to the government to legalize illegal labor.

Bangkok, July 12 – The private sector is afraid of a long-term new government. Preparing to offer the government to maintain an extension of the opening time for submitting a list of illegal workers to be legalized by July 31, pointing out if the new government has not yet I want the government to maintain the extension of time here. Emphasize that if you do not affect various industrial sectors very definitely

Pairoj Jotikasthira, Director-General of the Department of Employment said that the management of foreign workers of the Department of Employment ministry of labor to support the economic recovery of that country On July 5, 2023, the Cabinet passed a resolution approving aliens with illegal status to stay in the Kingdom as a special case and be able to work with employers for the time being. Without having to have a work permit until July 31, 2023, by requiring employers to submit a list of requirements for hiring foreign workers with photos to the Department of Employment by July 31, 2023, by requiring the registrar to issue evidence of the income statement submission. Name of requirement for hiring foreign workers to employers and allow foreigners to use the aforementioned list It is evidence that the alien has been allowed to work until 31 July 2023.

The Department of Employment Continue to solve the problem of labor shortage. But the problem of labor shortages in the business sector still exists. because of foreigners According to the Cabinet resolution on July 5, 2022, who did not apply for a work permit renewal by February 13, 2023, which amounted to about 500,000 people, they are now aliens whose status is not legal. who cannot stay in the Kingdom and work while employers/business establishments There is a need to hire more workers. Some of them are required to employ foreigners whose permission to stay in the Kingdom has expired. or illegal immigration The Ministry of Labor therefore proposes a guideline for managing the work of aliens whose status is not legal for the Cabinet to consider. to solve such problems

Dr. Poj Aramwattananont Vice President of the Thai Chamber of Commerce and the chairman of the Labor and Skill Development Committee said that the Thai Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Trade of Thailand by the Labor and Skill Development Committee Received complaints about labor shortage issues from entrepreneur members Such labor intensive trade associations continued. Therefore, a discussion meeting was held to find a solution to the problem and to make proposals to the government for a period of 6 months (from January to June 2023) in close cooperation with the Ministry of Labor, with an effort to solve the problem. And aiming to revitalize the country's economy to be concrete Thanks to the Prime Minister and all relevant ministers Including government agencies in all sectors involved that have taken various proactive measures in the management of foreign workers in Thailand and solving the problem of foreign labor in labor-intensive industries to support the current economic recovery of the country

” The private sector is still worried about the aforementioned approach that will end on July 31, 2023, and still does not know when the new government will be able to continue to manage the country, so expect if there is no new government coming. for the acting government to consider extending the period for this group of foreign workers further so that the private sector Can have legal workers able to help various industries in Thailand that still need foreign workers and if a new government comes in, then consider renewing legal labor until the day February 13, 2015, we can continue, ”said Mr. Pote.

However, the private sector still relies on labor to drive the economy and business. especially in the tourism and service sectors Construction and real estate sector Food processing industry And SMEs entrepreneurs still face the problem of labor shortage. And there is a need for a large number of workers to support the country's economic drive. .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency