Thailand Recorder

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The private tourism sector would like to see a new government as soon as possible.

Bangkok, June 29 – The private tourism sector wants to see a new government as soon as possible. ready to work with all parties I want to solve the problem of issuing a Chinese tourist visa. ready to plead with the new government to slow down the minimum wage increase I do not want to aggravate the hotel sector.

Mr. Sisadiwat Cheewarattanaporn, President of the Thai Tourism Association or ATTA, as a representative of the Federation of Thai Tourism Associations or FETTA, which is a combination of 7 Thai tourism associations, consisting of the Thai Tourism Association (ATTA), the Hotel Association Thai Domestic Tourism Business Association Thai Travel Service Association Thai Transport Operators Association Professional Tour Guide Association of Thailand Thai Tourism Promotion Association To jointly drive the Thai tourism market sector

Mr. Sisadiwat addressed the problem of delays in forming the government. Now, even though the overall picture of tourism does not affect traveling to Thailand much. But in reality, being able to form a government in a short time will create confidence in other countries. Tourists will have more confidence in coming to Thailand. plus will be able to discuss problems and policies related to tourism with the new government New Minister of Tourism and Sports that should adjust or provide assistance to tourism operators, how

problems that arise in the tourism sector Now the acting government can't do much. Must wait for the upcoming new government to confirm that FETTA is ready to work with all political parties. Now I want the government to be formed as soon as possible.

Especially the problem that the new government needs to urgently solve is the group of Chinese tourists. which according to the goals set by the previous government and TAT The goal is to travel to Thailand 5-8 million people. Now, 5 months ago, only 1 million Chinese tourists came to Thailand. delay Until making tour companies, agencies and tourists become bored And may result in the targeting to another country instead. Because if compared to the year 2019 when more than 10 million Chinese tourists entered Thailand, then getting a visa only took 1-3 days, but after the COVID situation It takes 14 days to get a visa, and it's been accelerated to 7-10 days, but it's still slow. therefore would like to deposit it to the new government new foreign ministry Please consider resolving this issue. in order to be able to attract tourists It has to be made concrete within the third quarter so that the fourth quarter, which is the high season, will be able to attract tourists as planned.

In this regard, on behalf of FETTA, prepare to talk to the private sector. Stakeholders in the tourism sector and prepare to prepare documents to open the claim Proposals to push the tourism industry to the country's executives. Minister of Tourism and Sports when the government was established

While the suggestion from Mrs. Marisa Sukosol Nunphakdee, President of the Thai Hotels Association (THA), wants the new government to be the Kao Klai Party and the Pheu Thai Party. which has a policy to increase the minimum wage from the original to 450 baht and 600 baht in 2027, respectively, the situation at this time would like to ask to slow down or stop this policy Because in the part of the tourism sector, it has to face problems with rising costs. both about the cost of electricity various energy values including other expenses soaring An increase in wages will exacerbate tourism operators. especially hotel accommodation

Overview of tourist stays this year Throughout the past half year, it was about 50-60%, considered to be recovering, but not much. Which this year's goal is set if Chinese tourists can reach the target, it should make the hotel business have an average occupancy rate of about 60-65%, representing approximately 80,000 million baht in revenue, but it all depends on the policy. Regarding tourism, the new government will be able to solve the problem and push the matter of the tourism sector to what extent.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency