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The Royal Irrigation Department monitors agricultural areas at the end of the dry season.

Bangkok, Minister of Agriculture instructs the Royal Irrigation Department to help agricultural areas at the end of the dry season. Emphasize that the produce must not be damaged. Water for consumption must be sufficient. Asking not to do second season rice. As for planting second season rice in 11 low-lying areas of the Chao Phraya Basin, it will start because it can be planted on May 1, but upland areas are asked to wait mainly for rain. Captain Thammanat Phromphao, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, said: Order the Royal Irrigation Department to manage water at the end of the dry season as planned. The planting area must not be damaged. Ready to mobilize machinery and tools such as water pump Weed exterminators, water trucks, etc. are stationed in all high-risk areas to be ready to solve problems for the people and farmers. Most importantly, water for consumption must be allocated adequately. At this time, we have ordered the Department of Royal Rainmaking and Agricultural Aviation to carry out ra inmaking operations in parallel to ensure that agricultural production in the dry season does not decrease. The Smart Water Operations Center (SWOC) of the Royal Irrigation Department stated that The dry season according to the Royal Irrigation Department's water management plan will end on April 30. After that, there will be water management in the rainy season, confirming that water throughout the country is sufficient. Including in the Chao Phraya Basin and EEC areas as well. Currently, water has been reserved. If it rains during June to July Irrigation offices in every area In particular, the Chao Phraya Basin has publicized asking for cooperation from farmers not to do second-season rice farming because it was found that Farmers want to grow rice many times because of good prices. But the Royal Irrigation Department has reduced the amount of water delivered to areas where the second rice crop has been harvested. Therefore, the second crop is at risk of being damaged by drought. In addition, farmers who are doing second-season rice have plans to plant second-season rice in the middle of the rainy season. The produce will be harvested during the flooding period and is therefore at risk of being damaged by the flooding again. in the Chao Phraya Basin The Royal Irrigation Department is preparing to send water into the irrigation system so that farmers in 11 low-lying fields can plant crops from May 1 onwards, where they will be able to harvest their produce before the flood period. But in the upland areas, rainwater is mainly used for preparing the plots. By waiting for consistent rain before planting. For the water situation in reservoirs in Nakhon Ratchasima Province, for example Lam Takhong Reservoir Lam Phra Phloeng Reservoir, although there is little water, there is no plan to plant second-season rice since the beginning of the dry season, so it will not affect the planting area. By allocating enough water for consumption. As for the water shortage problem in the eastern seaboard basin in the Chanthabur i and Wang Tanod canal basins, Tonle Sap River Basin includes: Khlong Welu and Khlong Phra Phut and the Bang Pakong River Basin, such as at Phra Satueng Canal, which is an area for growing important economic crops such as durian, mangosteen, and rambutan, etc., has ordered irrigation projects in the area Go in to help and relieve the suffering of farmers. Initially, the installation of mobile water pumps must be expedited. To continuously pump water into agricultural areas Along with sending water trucks to carry water to distribute to farmers to plant enough until the harvest season, there is also a plan to build a temporary dam. Along with enhancing the weir in the river to make it higher. For storing water periodically Including digging a trench near the electric water pumping station so that water can flow easily and can be pumped for use. Reduce the risk of crop damage from insufficient water. Help alleviate the suffering of farmers. Meanwhile, the National Water Resources Office (ONWR) coordinates with the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Energy Efficiency in managing reservoir water under the department's care. Increase drainage to help farmers minimize the impact. Source: Thai News Agency