Thailand Recorder

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The Royal Thai Prison Service ordered to find out the facts about the Pak Phanang guard who committed suicide.

Department of Corrections, -Corrections revealed that the prison guard in Pak Phanang District self-inflicted death Has a 10 year history of depression, stressful personal life problems. Not related to pressure at work Order the facts to prevent a repeat incident. Mr. Sitthi Suthiwong, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Corrections And a spokesman for the Department of Corrections revealed that a report had been received from Pak Phanang District Prison. In the case of an officer at Pak Phanang Prison using a firearm to injure himself and causing death in his home, it is said that he was a civil servant in the position of general affairs manager. Expert level Performing duties at Pak Phanang District Prison Initially, he had a history of illness and had been receiving treatment for depression for about 10 years. He had symptoms of stress in his personal life. On January 29th This officer did not come to work as usual. After calling to follow up several times Until relatives went to look and found that he had died inside the house. This officer is a neat person. Responsible for assigned duties But often keeps quiet I rarely associate with anyone. like to be alone However, in order to prevent something like this from happening again, the Department of Corrections has ordered the following actions: 1. Seek facts about the cause in order to fix and help prevent it from happening again. 2. Coordinate with the host hospital/mental health center in the vicinity of each prison to organize activities, provide counseling, and notify the mental health hotline to officials if there is depression to reduce the risk. Because correctional work must be on duty. easily causes stress and 3. to prison commanders/directors of correctional institutions throughout the country and colleagues Keep an eye on subordinates or co-workers, asking questions, understanding, and closely helping with problems. It confirmed the deaths of the three past guards were not related to any pressure at work. and has nothing to do with the ca se of Pang Nanode, a prisoner who escaped. Source: Thai News Agency