Thailand Recorder

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The Senate passed the draft of the Prevention and Suppression of Financial Support for Terrorism Act.

The Senate approved the draft of the Prevention and Suppression of Terrorist Financing Act, and agreed with the Commission's observations before sending it. The Cabinet will consider further relevant actions. Senate Meeting Today (16 Sep 2024) There was General Kriangkrai Srirak. The 1st Vice President of the Senate chaired the meeting and considered the Bill on Prevention and Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (No. ...) In the second agenda, which has been considered by the Extraordinary Commission, Lieutenant General of Police Suriya Barasan. The Chairman of the Extraordinary Commission presented the principles and reasons for the Bill to the meeting, saying that the Bill has a total of 17 sections. The Commission considered by using the information from the public hearing. Analysis of the potential impact of the bill, including disclosure of information to the public and criteria for examining the need for the enactment of this law. It was noted that the criteria were determined. Methods and Conditions The operation of using the money or assets of the designated person is used as a basic necessary expense. According to Articles 8/1 and 8/2, the Senate shall consider it. After considering the name of the draft, the preamble, and considering each section, the Senate voted on the third agenda with 173 votes in favor, 1 vote against and 4 abstentions, as well as agreeing with the Commission's observations before sending the draft to the Cabinet for action in the relevant areas to lead to its promulgation and enforcement into law. Source: Thai News Agency