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The Supreme Court invites disputants to file mediation before filing lawsuits.

Bangkok, The Supreme Court invites disputing parties to mediate before filing lawsuits. The economic problem is collapsing. Pushing the number of lawsuits up Hoping to reduce court cases

Mr. Adul Khanthong, Justice of the Supreme Court, as chairman of the working group to develop the mediation system before filing suit, said that after Mrs. Anocha Chewitsophon, President of the Supreme Court There is an order appointing a working group to develop a mediation system before filing suit. Currently, the working group is studying the system. Prepare a manual for courts of justice throughout the country to use under the same standards. Develop system channels Mediate disputes before filing lawsuits that people can access easily and quickly. It does not create a burden of expenses on the people.

I admit that during the economic slowdown the problem of litigation is very high. There are cases going to court, both criminal cases. There are approximately 2 million civil cases per year. For example, consumer cases in 2023 involved 152,452 credit card lawsuits, 118,486 loan cases, 97,693 personal loan cases, 52,256 car leasing cases, and 45,267 guarantee cases. When every case must be completely considered and decided, All types of courts require a very long time to deliberate.

President of the Supreme Court Therefore, there is a policy focusing on using the mediation system before filing a lawsuit. The working group therefore organized a brainstorming meeting with government and private agencies for speed. and efficiency in the mediation system Provide opinions on regulations Various criteria and methods related to mediation before filing lawsuits in courts of justice throughout the country and perform other operations related to Mediation system before filing a lawsuit and mediation during court cases Therefore, the results were reported to the President of the Supreme Court.

By inviting people who have disputes and disputes to sue each other. Submit matters to the court at every level, every type of court to mediate the case before filing a lawsuit. Helps reduce the burden of court fees Attorney expenses Reduce all types of expenses in court Reduce the trial process With the court's judgment When the parties reach an agreement and make a compromise letter If the party does not follow Can file a lawsuit to enforce the decision. - Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency