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“Thepthai” points out that the government has failed in every aspect.

Bangkok, "Thepthai" gives the Pheu Thai Party a score of 3 out of 10, pointing out that the government has failed in every aspect. Mr. Thepthai Senphong, former Nakhon Si Thammarat MP The Democrat Party posted on Facebook "Thepthai Senphong - Politics Talk" stating that the Pheu Thai Party received 3 out of 10 for the Pheu Thai Party organizing the event. '10 months of not waiting. Continue to reach the full 10' to show your vision for managing the country. and announce the results of the past 8 months By giving each member of the leadership and the new generation Come up and talk about your vision for solving various problems. And Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister, also spoke about the work of the past government. As a political observer and follow the administration of the country by this government If the Pheu Thai Party wants to get a perfect score of 10, it will have to work hard. and push for more policies to become reality in practice Now, if the score is full 10, the work of this government can o nly be Only 3 points Because the government has failed in managing the country in every aspect, such as 1. Economic aspect The government is still unable to push forward projects that make people's livelihoods better. Digital Wallet distribution policy Still procrastinating continuously with no future. People's stomach problems Things are becoming more expensive every day. Egg prices increased 3 times Chili lime prices increase Daily food: rice and curry are expensive. Shared widely on social media Including electricity costs The price of oil increases every day. Contrary to the Pheu Thai Party's campaign policy. 2.Social problems There are social problems that occur every day. The drug problem is increasing day by day. The government tries to show high numbers of drug seizures. But at the same time traders The number of addicts keeps increasing. There is a problem with people hallucinating drugs. psychiatric patient Commit a crime and kill a family member. Every day Informal debt problems The government an nounced the registration But it cannot solve the problem in practice. 3. Political problems The government has failed to push for constitutional amendments. When the Pheu Thai Party was in opposition, it was announced that Will amend the entire constitution within one year. Until now it has been one year. The constitutional amendment has not yet begun. There is still no end to the debate about holding a referendum. And amending the constitution still has conditions except for not touching Section 1 and Section 2. Including the issuance of the Amnesty Act. at Pheu Thai Party He once announced his support for solving the problem of those who violate Section 112 of the law. Claimed to be a tool of the government to bully the people. But when the Pheu Thai Party became the government Instead, the amnesty bill was issued. Section 112 offenders are not covered. 4. National security problems Since Khun Settha Went to stay overnight in 3 southern border provinces to gain confidence in investors and tourists. Since then Violence occurs on a daily basis. There was a murder bomb. Shooting of civil servants Bombing a biomass power plant Burning a gas station, etc. 5.Environmental problems The Pheu Thai Party announced that it would solve the country's PM 2.5 dust problem. Until today, the numbers of PM 2.5 dust are still ranked among the world every day. The ongoing drought problem The problem of storing toxic substances And fires in factories and warehouses are still spreading without end. There are also many other smaller problems. that this government is still unable to resolve Therefore, the evaluation score out of 10 would probably get only 3 points. which is the score from these works: 1. Intention and diligence in Khun Settha's work. From child to person It's like being the CEO of a private company. 2. The price of agricultural products, rubber, has increased. Although it is a matter of the quantity of rubber in the market and mechanisms of the world market But I will give credit for this to this government. 3. Bringing Thaksin back to the country to enter the justice process It went smoothly. no chaos or a gathering takes place Even though the government discriminates against Thaksin like a prisoner of angels I would like to evaluate the government's performance in the first year and get 3 out of 10. As for 10 out of 10, as the Pheu Thai Party hopes. It would probably be very difficult. When 4 years have passed If you score 5 out of 10, you are considered the best. Source: Thai News Agency