Thailand Recorder

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They raided and detained a drug addict in Myanmar who was on a rampage, brandishing a knife.

Phang Nga, Police at Khura Buri Police Station, Phang Nga Province, raided and detained a young Myanmar man. Rampant mania Hand holding a machete, he walked around the dock. Surin Islands National Park Office Initially, drugs were detected in the body. Police at Kuraburi Police Station, Phang Nga Province, received a report from villagers that a Myanmar worker, approximately 40 years old, had gone berserk. With a machete in hand, he walked around the dock. Surin Islands National Park Office Afraid that it will harm people in the area Police along with rescue teams in the area Immediately put the lunatic control device into action. Before attacking and charging, he was able to control him. Then taken to Kuraburi Chaiyapat Hospital. Initially, drugs were detected in the body. Therefore, it is believed that the cause of the crazy rampage is the result of drugs. Source: Thai News Agency