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Throwing a grenade into a famous coffee shop. The police and the Subdistrict Administrative Organization president escaped with a thrilling death.

Pattani, Opening the closed circuit of the moment when a criminal threw two grenades in a row into a famous coffee shop at a gas station in Pattani Province. Police and the Subdistrict Administrative Organization Mayor escaped with a shocking death, with one person injured. The moment when a criminal threw two grenades into a famous coffee shop at a gas station. The area of ??Ban Nadkhamis, Nam Dam Subdistrict, Thung Yang Daeng District, Pattani Province, which was captured by CCTV cameras during the incident, said Mr. Sokree Paosu, President of the Nam Dam Subdistrict Administrative Organization. sitting and talking with Police Lieutenant Colonel Wirawat Damrongkul, Crime Suppression Inspector Thung Yang Daeng Police Station Along with another police officer, a total of 3 people sat together at a table. It appeared that there was an unknown group and number of criminals sneaking into the back of the coffee shop. which is separated by a wall Then threw two pipe bombs into the area where the three people wer e sitting. Out of instinct, the three of them quickly got up and ran away. and immediately crouched down on the ground Before the first bomb exploded The explosion caused damage to the coffee shop, shattering windows and scattered tables and chairs, but the three people were not seriously injured. Only Mr. Sokree, the president of Namdam Subdistrict Administrative Organization, had minor injuries to his body. Taken to Thung Yang Daeng Hospital, the others only had tinnitus. while people rushed to flee the area Officials blocked off the area. for safety Until about an hour had passed, the second bomb exploded. But officials have not yet entered the scene of the incident. causing no one to be injured It is believed that the criminals delayed the explosion. In order to understand that the second bomb was on the side and did not work, they were lured into investigating. hoping to harm officials Initially at the scene a round steel cylinder was found on the ground. And there were explosive parts scattered all o ver the area. The officials then kept it as evidence. Ready to wait for the explosive ordnance disposal team and forensics team to investigate further. As for the cause, it is believed to be the work of a group of insurgents. in hopes of creating a violent situation in the area Pol. Col. Alam Mekharat, Superintendent of Thung Yang Daeng Police Station Order the investigative team to join forces with all parties to track down the criminals. By inspecting every CCTV camera Along with cordoning off and searching the target area within a radius of 500 meters, it is believed that the culprits should be at least 2-4 people and are a group that has previously committed crimes in the area. Source: Thai News Agency