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“Tik Tok star young man” claims to be deceived into investing, trading stocks, losing more than 3.7 million

Bangkok, June 15- "The Big Boy Dao Tik Tok" calls out the cyber police. Being deceived by online scammers, investing in stock trading for 3 days, losing more than 3.7 million baht

Mr. King, 48 years old, the victim, a Shipping career, looks after oil drilling rigs. and a Tik Tok star Has a large number of followers Complaint to cyber inspector Investigate and prosecute a group of crooks who greeted you in the Tik Tock app and invited you to invest and trade stocks. Spent more than 3.7 million baht in just 3 days

Mr. King said that on June 3, the past Criminals say hi to their tik tok. Ready to invite you to click to follow various clips, paying 15 baht per clip, so you can click to follow various clips and get real money back

Later, the crook asked to add Line to a group with 60 members to press follow the clip again. which received compensation In the meantime, criminals began to persuade investors to invest. Claiming to earn more profit than pressing the clip For example, if you invest 100 baht for the first time, you will receive 130. If you invest 200 baht, you will receive 260 baht, before recommending the victim to apply for a link in the criminal program for 500 baht as a platform for transferring money through the link system.

Later, the crook claimed that he was a VIP member and wanted him to invest in stock trading. which will receive a return of up to 60%. The victim believes which crooks make victims leave the original line group and enter the investment line group instead Claims that there is a teacher to help take care of stock trading and 5 other VIP members are in the group. therefore started investing again for the second time in the amount of 19,000 baht and the third time in the amount of 250,000 baht, but when the victim wants to withdraw the money The crooks claim that they violated the procedures, regulations, including having to pay taxes, fees, and not being able to withdraw money. To transfer money several times on the 4th day, he transferred another 490,000 baht. Because he still broke the rules and procedures

Until June 7, the victim transferred money to a group of crooks who tricked him into playing stock trading many more times. Until the balance is over 3.7 million baht in just 3 days, he tried to request a refund of the principal. But the villain claimed that he still could not withdraw. Because I have to wait to pay taxes. and fees Including trying to persuade them to transfer money again until feeling suspicious that he might have been deceived therefore came to complain to the cyber police Which the officer received a book with evidence to investigate expanding the prosecution of this gang professional group which uses the Tik Tok channel to deceive others.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency