Thailand Recorder

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To feel comfortable, still get the same living allowance

"Advent" tells the elderly to feel comfortable. Still get the same allowance, uninterrupted 100%. It's the duty of the new government to decide to knock on the criteria of "Viroj" to separate between campaign policies and government policies. Discourse Anyone Can Speak Please vote for 2 months already. Let's love each other better.

Mr. Chuti Krairiksh, Minister of Social Development and Human Security (PhD), in case of changing the rules for paying senior citizens, said that the Ministry of Interior did not throw it to the Ministry of PHE, which he followed the regulations according to the law. Because not everyone wants to break the law. If the constitution changes, it must change accordingly. And must have the National Committee on the Elderly to determine the criteria. 1. Everyone who receives the same allowance 100%, no one is missed. 2. Must wait for the National Elderly Commission. 3. It's an alternative way. According to etiquette, it depends on the new government what to do. 4. Concerns that when taking into account other groups of society, which are 21 million children, 3 million people with disabilities, 11 million elderly people.

“Elderly people, 11 million people, receive 89,000 million baht. There are only 4 million people who are really poor. You have to ask if the government has a limited budget. Will the money go to help the country's poorest people first or not? Which if the new government comes and says that it is ready to give 3,000 baht per salary, it has to collect taxes to get 720,000 million baht per year. At present, the Ministry of Defense, the whole ministry, has received a budget of 8,000 million baht, so you have to find a budget. 9 times more,” Mr. Juti said.

Mr. Chuti said that he did not set a framework or time limit for the National Committee on the Elderly to knock on criteria. It is the duty of the new Minister of Finance. new prime minister new cabinet It's the one who chooses how to give. Currently still paying normal money. No problem, 100% receive exactly the same, no one is missing even a single person. because there is a provisional chapter It is expected that the criteria can be issued. At what time It is up to the National Board of Elders to decide and submit it to the new government.

As for how to give confidence to the people? Because many people are worried that the elderly allowance will be cut, Mr. Juti emphasized that today 100% that the elderly still receive the living allowance. as before, no stumbling The budget for the year 2013 will end in September, and the budget for the year 2024 will increase to 110,000 million baht because the elderly are increasing.

As for Mr. Wiroj Lakkhana Adisorn, member of the Kao Klai Party list, he commented that it was the act of stealing during the acting government. But we are at common sense, conscience and make most people. He doesn't argue with politics, wants to leave everyone, anyone can do anything, contentment does not give anything to a single person. which the election has been over for two months Let Thai people love each other better, please.

When asked if there was a trend of criticism that during the campaign there was a policy to increase the elderly allowance but after the election, he would reduce the allowance, Mr. Chuti explained that it was because he received wrong information. Everyone who received it will still receive the same.

As for determining how to adjust the criteria for low-income earners, Mr. Juti said he had to look at the 2017 constitution, indicating how much people who do not have enough income to cut. will cut at the numbers or the poverty line But what every politician never says to the public is that the country where he is prosperous, we follow him. He has proof of rights, such as Australia, Germany, England, the United States, measuring how difficult it really is. Not enough income should go to help

“Today we say we give everything, it's okay if you have money. Today you still see children who don't have money to go to school. The Equal Fund for Education also wants to increase its budget, so will it spread out to all groups? or only for groups Government people need to look carefully. I want you to think about humanity. Don't miss the vote Originally, the constitution was written that it should not receive double money from the state. which is correct and the new one indicates that people with insufficient income Have to go and see what it is. Nothing difficult. Chill out. Love everyone and with manners. I didn't call the National Committee on the Elderly for a meeting. because it is the duty of the Prime Minister Minister of Finance and the new MSDHS minister, ”said Mr. Juti.

Mr. Chuti said that with respect to everyone. want to distinguish between political party policies with government policy and the structure of the country fiscal structure Thailand is not for or designed to be a welfare state Therefore, if the system must be changed to a welfare state system There must be a lot of people responsible. Today, there are 11 million taxpayers, only 4 million people actually pay tax, so the tax base must be expanded. And foreign VAT is at 22%, in Thailand, we are at 7%, individual income tax is at 39%, we are at 20% 22, and local tax is at 12%, we are at 0.5 and 1%, so we I have to ask if Thai people are ready. talk to the whole country Politicians, political parties must listen to all groups.

When asked whether it is the duty of the new government or not, Mr. Chuti nodded and stated that with responsibility As for what you want to say to the Minister of the MSDHS or not, please think about all groups, love everyone, average misery, average happiness.

When asked if he had not returned to his previous ministry or not, Mr. Juti stated that no one knew. It is the duty of the new government.

Source: Thai News Agency