Thailand Recorder

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Internal Affairs

Training knowledge in news-security Cope with threats

Intelligence Agency, "Somsak" opens training course for the National Intelligence Agency. Emphasize that it is an important agency Helps strengthen knowledge in news and security. Cope with all types of threats Mr. Somsak Thepsuthin, Deputy Prime Minister presided over the opening ceremony of the 16th National Security Management Course (NSC), with Mr. Wichai Chaiyamongkol, Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Thanat Suwannanon, Director of the National Intelligence Agency. Executive of the National Intelligence Agency and those receiving the study Mr. Somsak said that the National Intelligence Agency It is a national civilian intelligence organization. Has a mission to carry out intelligence work It also plays a role in driving the development of integrated intelligence systems in collaboration with news agencies. and agencies in the intelligence community Therefore, the Intelligence Institute is considered to be an important agency in enhancing intelligence and security knowledge for all related agen cies. To be in line with the national strategy on national security 'In the past, the National Intelligence Agency Give importance to the development of knowledge in news and security. to increase capacity and develop the potential of news personnel to have knowledge, expertise, and high performance, as well as to be prepared to deal with all types of security threats. which this important mission The public sector cannot deal with all threats alone. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the potential of personnel. as well as creating a network of cooperation in the area of ??news and security,' Mr. Somsak said. Reporters reported that After the opening of the event, Mr. Somsak went to visit. Parusakawan Palace Museum with the Director of the National Intelligence Agency Leading the visit and tell the history which Mr. Somsak Went to visit an important room in the past that has now been converted into a conference room for the National Intelligence Agency. Including being a museum telling the story of the entire history of Parusakawan Palace. Source: Thai News Agency