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Turn off the lights for 1 hour, Bangkok reduces electricity use by 24.65 megawatts.

Bangkok joins with network partners to join forces "Turn off the lights for 1 hour to reduce global warming in 2024" (60+ Earth Hour 2024), reducing electricity demand in Bangkok by 24.65 megawatts. Mr. Ekwaranyu Amrapal, Assistant Secretary to the Governor of Bangkok And a spokesperson for Bangkok revealed that the activity 'Turn off the lights for 1 hour to reduce global warming in 2024 (60+ Earth Hour 2024)' is an activity in Bangkok. by the Environment Agency Bureau and District Office Collaborate with network partners in both the public and private sectors to campaign and invite entrepreneurs, shops, and the public to reduce energy use and turn off unnecessary lights such as decorative lights, building lights, advertising signs, as well as unplug electrical appliances that are not in use. Reduce air conditioning use in buildings for 1 hour along with more than 7,000 cities in 190 countries around the world. On Saturday, March 23, 2024, between 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., all sectors cooperated in turning off the lights during that period. This year, the 5 main landmarks of Bangkok include Wat Phra Sri Rattana Satsadaram (Wat Phra Kaew), Grand Palace. Wat Arun Ratchawararam Ratchawaramahawihan, Giant Swing, Rama VIII Bridge and Wat Saket Ratchawara Mahawihan (Phu Khao Thong) also participated in turning off the lights symbolically. Which is calculated from the amount of electricity used during that period in the Bangkok area. By the Metropolitan Electricity Authority, it was found that the activity #Turn off the lights for 1 hour to reduce global warming in 2024 in the Bangkok area. Can reduce the amount of electricity used by 24.65 megawatts when compared to electricity use in the Bangkok area. On Saturday, March 16, 2024, between 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., electricity demand was reduced by 24.65 megawatts, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 11 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. This is comparable to the carbon dioxide absorption of 1,100 trees in 1 year (1 standing tree can absorb approximately 10 kilograms of carbon dioxide per year) and can reduce electricity costs by 130,182 baht. Bangkok has given importance to the problem of global warming, which has an impact all over the world. Therefore, a campaign has been launched to create awareness among the people and all sectors to see the importance and participation in solving such problems continuously. One of the activities carried out is the activity of turning off the lights for 1 hour to reduce global warming. Together with government and private sector network partners, we have been campaigning for such activities since 2008, a result of organizing the activity 'Turn off the lights for 1 hour to reduce global warming (60+ Earth Hour) in 2023 in the Bangkok area. Able to reduce electricity use by 36 megawatts and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 5.2 tons, or compared to 43 Bangkok-Chiang Mai flights or the use of diesel cars equal to 31,200 kilometers, or compared to turning off the electricity in 23,400 households. And through continuous activities from 2008 - 2023, electricity consumption can be reduced by 22,512 megawatts, reducing carbon dioxide emissions. The cause of global warming was 12,260.6 tons, valued at 81.14 million baht. In addition, there was cooperation from network partners of 30 agencies to jointly announce their intentions. with Bangkok in reducing global warming in 4 areas, consisting of 1. mass transportation, 2. energy, 3. green space, and 4. solid waste management. Performance in 2022 can reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in various areas, consisting of mass transportation, 1,525.6 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, and energy, 24,178 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. Solid waste management: 1,140.9 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. and the green area helps in absorbing 131.3 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. The total amount of greenhouse gas reduction of 30 agencies is 26,975.9 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. Bangkok Thank you to all sectors for their continued cooperation throughout. Today's lights-out activity is just a symbol that shows cooperation. If all citizens are aware of the efficient use of energy and participate in energy conservation. By practicing it as a daily way of life, such as unplugging the power plug every time if not in use. Use electrical appliances sparingly. Always turn off lights that are not in use continuously. Including daily practice such as planting trees. Reducing the use of cars, etc., with these simple methods, if everyone works together It will be a great power that can sustainably save our world from global warming problems.417. Source: Thai News Agency