Thailand Recorder

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UBE-Government reduces costs of growing organic oil, producing 7 tons per rai.

Bangkok, UBE joins with the government sector to reduce the cost of growing organic oil, producing 7 tons per rai using market-led production principles. Extending the Ubon Model Expanding the area to the lower Isaan Ms. Sureeyot Kowsurat, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Ubon Bio Ethanol Public Company Limited or UBE revealed that recently Mr. Peeraphan Khothong, Director-General of the Department of Agricultural Extension and a group of government agencies in the Lower Northeastern Province Group 2, namely Ubon Ratchathani Province, Yasothon Province, Amnat Charoen Province, and Sisaket Province, visited the ethanol business operations. and tapioca starch business at UBE Head Office, Ubon Ratchathani Province Ready to visit model agricultural plots and join in summarizing research results on increasing productivity Reduce the cost of organic cassava production by using fertilizer according to soil analysis values. which is carried out according to research led by the National Science and T echnology Development Agency (NSTDA). Since the beginning of the planting season in early 2023, UBE has participated in research on the topic of promoting the use of fertilizers based on soil analysis values. and appropriate use of production factors for organic cassava Under a research grant from the Agricultural Research Development Agency (Public Organization) or NRCT, which has farmers in 3 areas volunteering to be 36 prototype research plots, piloted in the following areas: Ubon Ratchathani Province, Amnat Charoen Province, and Yasothon Province. The results of the study found that in an area of ??1 rai, the average weight per tree increased from 2.2 kilograms/tree to 3.84 kilograms/tree, accounting for 74.55 percent. The average number of tubers per tree was from Previously 13.2 heads/tree increased to 15 heads/tree, accounting for 13.64 percent. Average yield per rai from the original 4.6 tons/rai increased to 7.2 tons/rai, accounting for 56.52 percent. and the average starch percentage increased from the original 26 percent to 27 percent. Currently, UBE has approximately 800 farmers certified with international organic standards, with a total area of ??approximately 10,000 rai, with a goal to expand the organic cassava certification area in internationally to reach 50,000 rai in 2025 In this regard, the company and the government sector have expanded the success of the Ubon Model Plus project. that can lay a strong foundation and create prototype organic cassava farmers in Ubon Ratchathani Province as planned, towards the "Lower Isaan 2 Model Plus Innovation Project" covering areas in 4 provinces: Ubon Ratchathani Province, Yasothon Province, Amnat Charoen Province, and Sisaket Province. Such an operation Helps create stability in raw materials along with transferring knowledge about organic farming and contract farming (Contract Farming) with farmers participating in the project. By guaranteeing that the price of organic cassava is higher than the price of general cassava. Ready to promote production f actors for farmers to access technology, including weed exterminators. Biopharmaceuticals are used to soak PGPR3 plant stems to create model farmers who can apply technology concepts. Innovation expands to other organic cassava farmers for the company There are raw materials that can be processed into products that follow global health trends. and protect the environment Under the brand Tasuko (Tasuko) in line with the sustainable development policy that covers all dimensions. Source: Thai News Agency